'Black Boy' rose Reviews & Comments
Initial post
7 FEB 12
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"This shows" - I'm sorry but we're not following, what shows this as being available from Hortico ?
It's not surprising that the rose doesn't show up on the Buy From tab. Hortico has not updated their availability list since January 2008. It's a pity.
Yes, and I'm hoping that what Hortico sends really is 'Black Boy.' It looks like a splendid rose.
Hi I am new here but wanted to add a note of caution re hortico. Over the years I have had wrong rose shipped four times. When I tell then the problem they eventually get it right. At least on three of th em, the other one is now not available and who knows if it ever will be. I have complained about their list not being up to date. The perso I deal with tries her best but it seems there are bigger problems at the company.
Thanks for the warnings, but my wanting the rose outweighs the aggravation of dealing with them. I'm tossing the dice, here. I'll let you know what happens. I'm thinking positively!
I have had the same situation. they often are the only ones who carry or say they carry the roses I am looking for. I have a pretty big collection so it is hard to find roses I don't have. I am also interested in antiques particularly Hybrid Perpetuals. I order lots from Pickering Nurseries, in fact I have 35 coming from them this year and I have never had the wrong rose sent by them. They recently dropped 300 roses from their list, many of which are antiques which is why I ordered so many last fall. I am just about full up now unless I start digging up the hay field.
My Hortico order arrived today with a rose labeled 'Black Boy' included. The roses were well packed and were pushing leaf buds. I am hopeful this really is 'Black Boy' and I will post pictures at a later date.
I am glad your roses arrived safely. They have improved their packaging in recent years. In my zone they sometimes arrive a bit late for bare root so I have been ordering for fall shipment in the last two years and that has been more successful. The majority of roses I get from Hortico are correct but it is wise to keep an eye on the plant and let them know immediately if they sent the wrong one. I waited too long on one and now it is not available. I am hopeful they will get it back eventually. Good luck with your roses.
Does anyone in the USA have this rose? Of course I would like to have one for myself but I am interested if it really is hardy to zone 2. I am in Alaska and this would be a great one for us.
#1 of 1 posted
13 JUN 08 by
I really hope someone does, because this is gorgeous, and it's high on my wish list.