'Hermosa' rose References
Article (magazine) (2016) Page(s) 20-21. p. 20: The six plants in the Sacramento Historic Rose Garden identified as 'Hermosa', Hermosa plants obtained from two different commercial sources (Vintage Gardens, Sebastopol, California, and Chamblee Roses, Tyler, Texas), as well as "Manchester Cemetery Bourbon" and "David Wilson", study names for two plants in the Sacramento Historic Rose Garden believed to be 'Hermosa', were analyzed. Despite some differences in morphology, all of these plants showed little or no measurable differences, indicating that despite slight differences in growth habit, they are all the same cultivar.
p. 21: The suggested parents of 'Hermosa', ...'Old Blush' and 'Mme. Desprez', were included in the study. ...Although 'Old Blush' ...appears to be related to 'Hermosa', it does not appear to be a closely related to 'Hermosa' as 'Burbank', which has 'Hermosa' as one of its parents. ....Although 'Old Blush' may likely be in 'Hermosa's' ancestry, it is not a parent of 'Hermosa'.....'Mme. Desprez' is not commercially available, but a sample from Roseraie du Val-de-Marne à L'Haÿ-les-Roses of a rose grown by that name was analyzed. We later learned the identity of this rose was questioned....Microsatellite analysis ...showed that this cultivar was unrelated to 'Hermosa'.
Article (magazine) (2015) Page(s) 73. Although 'Old Blush' appears to be related to 'Hermosa', it does not appear to be as closely related to 'Hermosa' as 'Burbank', which has 'Hermosa' as one of its parents. This implies that the suggested parentage of 'Hermosa' is incorrect. Although 'Old Blush' may be in the 'Hermosa' ancestry, it is not a parent of 'Hermosa'.
Article (newspaper) (Oct 2010) Page(s) 2. Includes photo(s). Patricia Routley: Old roses really do announce themselves as being old and precious, just by being more utterly beautiful than any modern rose can be. Time and time again I have noticed this, but I might be biased and one-eyed because I very rarely get to modern rose nurseries and my oldies are all I am seeing these days. I have a small and very precious rose that, each year I try to propagate and each year I fail. It can be done because my rose was initially grown from the cutting I took in 2004 from the Pinjarra Heritage Rose Garden. In other gardens it is said to grow to 90cm but here the bush has never grown beyond 50 cm and I was despairing that I might lose it through the black die-back that my roses sometimes get. Last winter I was cutting out some dead canes and I accidently cut a wonderful healthy cane of about 25cm. Kicking myself, I rammed it into the soil nearby – and wonder of wonders, it now seems to be growing for me. One author said it makes a extra beautiful rose to plant in groups. Well, I’ve got the beginnings of my first group with my now, two plants. This little rose was bred by Mons. Marcheseau and released by Rousseau in 1834, They gave it the name of Hermosa. Over the years it gained other synonyms: ‘Armosa’ (which in French means beautiful); ‘Mme. Neumann’; and ‘Mélanie Lemaire’. It is now 176 years old and I never stop marvelling how these roses can still be so beautiful after all that time. I am just 70 years old and already I have lost most of my teeth, my eyesight, and a few of my marbles. Oh to be a rose! The 6cm flowers of my ‘Hermosa’ are a most exquiste, perfectly cupped form, with about 40 petals. Each tender lilac to mid-pink petal rolls back on itself slightly so the entire bloom looks richly filled and thank heavens I put it right alongside a well travelled path. Sometime between 1845 and 1854 Mons. Paquet described it in his Choix des Plus Belles Roses “A very graceful rose, even stylish, and of a delicate color. Its bud opens easily and with perfect regularity, giving birth to a flower which is exactly in the form of a cup during the first moments of opening, after which the outer petals reflex, drawn aside as if by design; at that point, their brilliant color begins to lose its freshness, and indeed the delicate pink which it had, takes on a flat tint which foretells the end of this ephemeral beauty”. The class of the rose is said by different authors, to be a bourbon rose and by others to be a china rose, due no doubt to the appearance of its compact twiggy growth and small greyish green leaves. No parentage is known, but Mons. Neumann [see above] was connected somehow, bringing back ‘Rose Edouard’ or a fuller pale pink rose from Ile de Bourbon to France in 1824.
Booklet (2009) Page(s) 29. Triploid ...Hermosa [Provenance: Antique Rose Emporium]
Article (magazine) (2009) Page(s) 30. Hermosa Source RJBM [Réal Jardin Botanico Madrid] Chromosome Number 21
Article (magazine) (2007) Page(s) 404. Table 1. Comparison of key volatile components in representative cultivated Chinese roses and species. [adsorption volume by Solid Phase Microextraction (peak area x 10')] TMB: 1,3,5-trimehoxybenzene 'Hermosa' Dihydro-beta-ionone 0.13 TMB 0.25
Article (magazine) (2006) Page(s) 71. ʻCardinal de Richelieuʼ and ʻHermosaʼ, whose proper apportionment to Hybrid China or Gallica (ʻCardinal de Richelieuʼ) and to Hybrid China or Bourbon (ʻHermosaʼ) is uncertain, clustered in the Rosa section and thus may indeed belong to the Gallica and Bourbon groups, respectively.
Book (Aug 2002) Page(s) 47. Hermosa Hybrid China, prior to 1837 Rated 7.8
Book (2001) Page(s) 49. Hermosa Hybrid China, light pink, prior to 1837. Rating: 7.6
Book (Nov 1994) Page(s) 126. Hermosa Marcheseau, France, 1840. 'Armosa', 'Setina', 'Mélanie Lemarie', 'Madame Neumann'. Occurred as a seedling with four different breeders between 1834 and 1841. Dr. Hurst called this a China-reversion. In some works 'Hermosa' is classed as a Bourbon, but it is very near indeed to the 'Old Blush' in habit and other characters. It is of a particularly bland lilac-pink, much fuller of petals - which are rolled at the edges - than 'Old Blush'. It is also much more prickly, and produces a round hep, whereas 'Old Blush' has an oval hep. It is equally vigorous but usually rather more compact, and I generally observe that it is not quite so continuous. But a bunch of 'Hermosa' blooms leaves little to be desired; their form and colour are perfect, and it is fairly fragrant. As a rule the bush form does not exceed 3 feet.