'Souvenir' rose References
Book (Dec 1998) Page(s) 558. Souvenir Large-flowered/Hybrid Tea. Pierson (USA) 1930. Sport of 'Talisman'... golden yellow
Book (Apr 1993) Page(s) 564. Souvenir Hybrid Tea, golden yellow, 1930, 'Talisman' sport; Pierson, A.N. Description.
Website/Catalog (1960) Page(s) 13. SOUVENIR (Jackson et Perkins 1933). Jaune paille, semi-double. FL [feuillage luisant].
[no longer listed in 1975]
Book (1958) Page(s) 383. Souvenir. HT. (A. N. Pierson, '30.) Talisman sport. Bud pointed; fl. dbl. (36-42 petals), fragrant, golden yellow. Fol. glossy. Vig. (28) Pl. pat. 25 (expired).
Website/Catalog (1946) Page(s) 24. P[ernetiana]. — SOUVENIR (Jackson el Perkins 1933). Fleur jaune d'or foncé, beau bouton pointu, vigoureux et florifère.
Book (1939) Page(s) 122. Mr. W. Summers, Blackwood, S.A. Souvenir.- Yellow sport of Talisman. Many better yellows.
Website/Catalog (1939) Page(s) 37. 'Golden Talisman'.....richer colour than Souvenir
Book (1937) p76. Harry H. Hazlewood. Some Better Roses 1930-1936 Souvenir: A yellow sport of Talisman, with more petals. The colour keeps well, which is rather unusual in a yellow Rose.
p118. Mr. S. R. Bird, N.Z. Some Auckland Rose Notes. The Talisman sports, Mary Hart ond Souvenir, are attracting favourable comment everywhere, the latter holding its rich yellow colour splendidly.
Book (1936) Page(s) 109. John Poulsen. New Roses at Canterbury, N.Z Souvenir. This yellow sport from Talisman carries more petals than its parent, but the blooms open rather flat, and in cold weather the colour is rather lifeless. It may be better on established plants. Requires further testing.
Website/Catalog (1936) Page(s) 48. New Roses 1935. Souvenir HT. (A. N. Pierson 1930). F. 3. The blooms seem to be fuller than the parent (65 petals) and the colour in bud is a deep golden yellow. As the blooms open they reveal a clear yellow which holds extremely well. Recommended. E.