'Bessie Chaplin' rose References
Book (Apr 1993) Page(s) 48. Bessie Chaplin Hybrid Tea, bright pink, 1921, 'Lady Pirrie' x 'Gorgeous'; Chaplin Bros. Description.
Book (1940) Page(s) 20. Bessie Chaplin Hybrid Tea. (Chaplin, 1921)... bright pink, deeper center.
Book (1936) Page(s) 143. Chaplin, Bessie (HT) Chaplin 1921; L. Pirrie X Gorgeous; bright pink, base darker, outer petals with glossy shading, 14-20 cm., very double, high-centered, lasting, solitary, fragrance 5/10, floriferous, growth 5/10, upright.
Website/Catalog (1929) Page(s) 5. Recent Introductions and Rare Varieties Bessie Chaplin. Hybrid Tea. (Chaplin Bros., 1921.) Large, globular buds and flowers of clear, bright pink, shaded darker at the base of the petals. A giant exhibition variety of great freedom of growth. The flowers are of remarkable size, and the color is clear and handsome. It seems to be highly desirable as reported from abroad.
Website/Catalog (1925) Page(s) 19. Bessie Chaplin, 1921, very large, quite upright bloom, pink
Website/Catalog (1924) Page(s) 19. New Roses 1923. Bessie Chaplin (HT) (Chaplin Bros.) 2. Colour bright pink, blooms large, of great substance, strong upright growth. Awarded first prize for 12 blooms of anyone variety, Croydon; silver medal, City of London Show. Mildews badly, but otherwise good.