'Mrs. Cole Porter' rose References
Website/Catalog (2020) Page(s) 117. Includes photo(s). Linda Porter, synonym: Miquel Aldrufeu, Pere Dot, 1957, HT, salmon-pink, shrub, large, 60 petals, long lasting, very floriferous, very fragrant, tall foliage, Sénateur Potié X Poinsettia, extraordinary vigour, strong canes, planted in the Rosary Dot and Camprubi in 2011, bibliography: RE-LD, in tribute to the wife of Cole Porter who died in 1954, it seems that Pere Dot was very fond of all his music and Conard Pyle, his representative in USA has proposed the naming. This variety received in Catalonia the name Miquel Aldrofeu, son of Joaquin Aldrofeu with whom Pere Dot had started the cultivation of roses. Miquel was a renowned botanistand worked with JMN Forestier and JMN Rubió i Tuduri for the landscaping of the Mount Montjuichduring the Universal Expostion of Barcelona in 1929.
Website/Catalog (2020) Page(s) 599. Includes photo(s). Miquel Aldrufeu, synonym: Linda Porter, Pere Dot, 1957, HT, salmon-pink, large, 60 petals, very fragrant, Senateur Potie x Ponsetia, very vigorous with strong canes, bibliograohy: RE-LD-TR. This variety received the name Miquel Aldrufeu in Catalonia, the son of Joaquin Aldrufeu, with whom Pere Dot initiated the cultivation of roses. Miquel was a botanist of recognized prestige and collaborated with J.M.N. Forestier and J.M.N. Rubió i Tuduri in the landscaping of the Mount of Montjuic for the Universal Exposition of Barcelona in 1929. It seems that Pere Dot liked very much the music of Linda Porter, in tribute to the wife of Cole Porter, who died in 1954
Book (Feb 1997) Page(s) 10. On the cover [of the 1957 Bobbink & Atkins catalgoue] is shown its new hybrid tea, a lusty, very clear pink rose with a satiny sheen, named in memory of Mrs. Cole Porter...
Book (Apr 1993) Page(s) 315. Linda Porter salmon-pink, 1957, ('Miguel Aldrufeu'); 'Senateur Potie' x 'Poinsettia'; Dot, P. Description.
Website/Catalog (1964) Page(s) 4. Linda Porter Has practically perfect bud formation which opens into a large double pink flower. Good grower and highly fragrant.
Book (1962) Page(s) 165. Proof of the Pudding. Linda Porter HT. mp, salmon pink. (Pedro Dot; int. Bobbink & Atkins ’57). Pat. 1507; ARA ’57; PP 5, 1962, 19 Reports; Av. Ht 28”. National rating 6.4. Total reports 5 years 168; av. Ht. 32”; Average national rating 6.8.
Book (1961) Page(s) 203. Proof of the Pudding. Linda Porter HT. Medium pink. Salmon pink. (Dot; int. Bobbink & Atkins ’57). Pat. 1507; ARA ’57; PP 4, 34 Reports; Av. Ht 33”. National rating 6.7
Book (1961) Page(s) 34. Lester E. Satterlee. Kansas City. Roses in the Heart of America. Miguel Aldrufeu HT. Medium pink (Dot). Nice colour, large bud. Lacks substance. Good bush and foliage.
(1961) Page(s) 10. Miguel Aldrufeu syn Linda Porter Apricot pink, very double, large full blooms. Very fragrant and plenty of blooms.
Book (1960) Page(s) 206. Proof of the Pudding. Linda Porter