'Caroline Schmitt' rose References
Book (Apr 1993) Page(s) 334. Mme. Caroline Schmitt Noisette, salmon-yellow, 1878, ('Caroline Schmitt'); 'Solfaterre' Seedling; Schmitt. Description.
Book (Jun 1992) Page(s) 227. Caroline Schmitt ('Mme Caroline Schmitt') Schmitt/Schwartz, 1881. Noisette. [Author cites information from different sources.]
Book (1936) Page(s) 650. Schmitt, Mme. Caroline (hybrid noisette) Schmitt 1881; salmon-yellow to yellowish white, medium to large, fine form, cluster-flowered, floriferous, repeats well, branches stick out, growth 7/10, climbing, 2-3 m.
Book (1933) Page(s) 166. CAROLINE SCHMIDT. J. C. Schmidt, 1882. Noisette with well-shaped, salmon-yellow flowers tinted white.
Magazine (Aug 1908) Page(s) 310. [Théodore Schmitt] obtint dans ces-deux genres des variétés d'élite qui eurent du succès en leur temps. Citer dans les Roses : Karoline Schmitt, Mme Schmitt, Mme Adélaïde Cote....
Book (1902) Page(s) 167. Hybrides de Noisette sarmenteux 6473. Madame Caroline Schmitt...(Schmitt 1881)...jaune saumon.
Book (1899) Page(s) 105. Madame Caroline Schmitt, N, Schmitt [à Lyon], 1881, jaune saumoné
Website/Catalog (1894) Page(s) 181. Noisette Roses. Caroline Schmitt Salmon yellow, changing to yellowish white; of medium size, full; a free flowering climbing rose.
Book (1889) Page(s) 150. Noisette Caroline Schmitt (Schmitt 1861). Medium-size, double, fine form, salmon-yellow, passing to yellowish white. Free-repeating, very vigorous. Blooms similar to Narcisse, fragrant. Pictured in Journal des Roses 1881, page 184.
Book (1883) Page(s) 228-229. The Roses of 1882...Caroline Schmitt (noisette, Schmitt) has long canes, beautiful glossy foliage. Large bloom, but fluttery, therefore there can be no question of "fine form"; very fragrant, whitish yellow, its only good characteristic is a floriflerous habit. To be discarded. Rank 3-4.