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'Earl of Eldon' rose References
Book  (Dec 1998)  Page(s) 216.  
Earl of Eldon ('Lord Eldon') Noisette. Eldon-Copin (UK) 1872. Description... full, middle-sized flat flowers that range in color from gold to copper to orange and have a strong rose-purple overtone... no longer in commerce...
Book  (Apr 1993)  Page(s) 149.  
Earl of Eldon Noisette, coppery orange, 1872, Eldon-Coppin.
Book  (1991)  Page(s) 229.  
Earl of Eldon Eldon/Coppin/G. Paul, 1872. Noisette. [Author cites information from different sources.]
Book  (1990)  Page(s) 73.  
Earl of Eldon Noisette. 1872... pretty shades of copper-bronze and orange-apricot. Sometimes there is a great variation of colour...
Book  (1936)  Page(s) 234.  
of Eldon, Earl (noisette) Eldon-Coppin 1872; copper to chamois-orange, shaded purple-pink, large, 3/4-full, flat, fragrance 7/10, growth 7/10, climbing. = Comte or Lord Eldon.
Book  (1910)  Page(s) 335.  
[One of the more tender Noisettes leaning towards the Teas.] Earl of Eldon [Noisette]; flowers orange-buff, large and full; free and very sweet. A good wall Rose.
Book  (1906)  Page(s) 37, 53.  
2.414. Comte d'Eldon, Noisette, Coppin 1871 orange cuivré

3.454. Earl of Eldon, Noisette, Coppin 1872 orange cuivré

NB: In the Errata, on p.177, these are noted as synonyms.
Magazine  (13 Dec 1902)  Page(s) 536.  
Old-fashioned Climbing Roses.
Now-a-days it is all the rage to plant Rambler Roses, but who would not desire some of the old Noisettes which give us of their beauty in the late autumn as well as in June?
[...] Earl of Eldon was a good wall Rose, and in its day considered of great merit. Even within the last ten years this Rose has, by crossing, given us a very beautiful variety name Beaute Inconstante, for I am informed by M. Pernet-Ducher that he was fortunate enough to cross a seedling of Earl of Eldon and Mme. Falcot, which resulted as I have already pointed out.
Book  (1902)  Page(s) 166.  
Race des Rosiers Noisette sarmenteux
Groupe A.—Noisette Sarmenteux
6424. Earl of Eldon... (Coppin 1872)... chamois.
Book  (1898)  Page(s) 10.  
Catalogue of Roses, April, 1898.
Earl of Eldon. Noisette — Eldon, 1872.
Flesh and copper-coloured, handsome large regular flowers, and sweet scented. Well worth growing; a large successfully cultivated plant, is a splendid feature in any collection.
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