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'Souvenir de la Malmaison jaune' rose References
Book  (Nov 1994)  Page(s) 134.  
Kronprinzessin Viktoria von Preussen Bourbon. Description... a sport of 'Souvenir de la Malmaison'... originated with Vollert, introduced by the nurseryman Späth of Berlin in 1888.  It came to light some years ago, having been treasured in the garden at Smallhythe, Kent, a property of the National Trust.  It makes a compact bush, and is in effect a pure white sport, showing lemon tinting in the bud and half-open flower, and is unique in bringing this tint to the Bourbon Roses.
Book  (Apr 1993)  Page(s) 293.  
Bourbon (OGR), white, 1887, 'Souv. De la Malmaison' sport; Vollert. Flowers milk-white, center tinted yellow.
Book  (Feb 1993)  Page(s) 83.  Includes photo(s).
Book  (1993)  Page(s) 88.  
[Listed as 'Kronprinzessin Viktoria'] Bourbon. Description. A sport from 'Souvenir de la Malmaison.' Flowers: white, shaded with pale lemon-yellow. Spüth, Berlin, 1887. Austin has found it to be even less strong than its parent.
Book  (Jun 1992)  Page(s) 102-103.  
'Souvenir de la Malmaison' sported 'Kronprinzessin Viktoria' (Volvert, 1888 [milk-white]); 'Mme Cornélissen' (Cornélissen, 1865 [yellowish pink]); 'Mlle Berthe Clavel' (Chauvry, 1891 [yellow and pink]); 'Mlle Marie-Thérèse de la Devansaye' (Chédane-Guinoisseau 1895 [pure white])
Book  (1988)  Page(s) 71.  Includes photo(s).
Website/Catalog  (1982)  Page(s) 22.  
Kronprinzessen Victoria (Bourbon)  A sport from Souvenir de la Malmaison. Creamy-white with lemon centres.   Scented 1888. (R). 4 x 3’ 
Book  (1936)  Page(s) 736.  
Viktoria, Kronprinzessin (bourbon) Vollert 1888 [Späth]; sport of Sv. de la Malmaison; milk-white, center sulphur-yellow, large, very double, fragrance 5/10, floriferous, repeats well, free-blooming, autumn-bloomer, upright branches, growth 7/10, sturdy = Yellow Malmaison. Sangerhausen
Book  (1936)  Page(s) 448.  
Malmaison jaune, Souv. de la = Kronprinzessin Viktoria.
Book  (1936)  Page(s) 733.  
Princesse Impériale = Kronprinzessin Viktoria.
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