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'Mademoiselle Germaine Caillot' rose References
Book  (Dec 2000)  Page(s) 408.  
Mlle. Germaine Caillot Hybrid Tea. Joseph Pernet-Ducher 1887
Book  (Jun 1992)  Page(s) 281.  
Mlle Germaine Caillot Hybrid Tea. Pernet-Ducher, 1887. Parentage: 'Baronne Adolphe de Rothschild' x 'Mme Falcot'. [Author cites information from different sources.]
Book  (1936)  Page(s) 120.  
Caillot, Mlle. Germaine (HT) Pernet-Ducher 1887; Bar. A. Rotschild X M. Falcot; flesh-pink, center shaded yellow, 12 cm., very double, continuous bloom, growth 7/10, short.
Magazine  (10 Jun 1911)  Page(s) 278.  
The Parentage of Roses.
The following list of the world's Roses and their parentage has been compiled by Mr. Robert Daniel, 38 Russell Road. Fishponds, Bristol, and by his kind permission we are enabled to publish it...
Germaine Caillot... Hybrid Tea, P. Ducher, 1887, Baroness Rothschild X Mme. Falcot
Book  (1906)  Page(s) 112.  
7.224. Mademoiselle Germaine Caillot, Hybride de Thé, Pernet D. 1887 chair et jaune
Book  (1903)  Page(s) 199.  
Rosiers Hybrides de Thé.
Très remontants.
Mademoiselle Germaine Caillot, fl. rose clair à centre nuancé de jaune; très grande et pleine, à boutons allongés.
Book  (1895)  Page(s) 169.  
HT. Mademoiselle Germaine Caillot (Pernet fils-Ducher 1888). Very large, double, flesh-pink, center shaded light yellow; faithful bloomer.
Magazine  (1889)  Page(s) 177.  
Germaine Caillot.- I saw good blooms of this. It is a very useful shape, the outer petals faaling well down of their own accord from a good full ball in the centre; something in the form, though longer in petal, of Violet Bouyer. I have heard this shape justly admired because "it makes the bloom look larger than it really is."
Magazine  (1889)  Page(s) 330.  
Germain Caillot (Pernet fils-Ducher). A beautiful pink...
Article (newspaper)  (29 Dec 1888)  Page(s) 14.  
T. W. Girdlestone in The Garden, U.K. 
Germaine Caillot (Pernet fils). - Probably the best French hybrid of the year. Of sturdy erect growth, somewhat of 'Captain Christy' character and thoroughly perpetual; the plant produces large beautifully-formed flowers with high-pointed centre, the fine petals gracefully recurved at the margins, and of a delicate shade of rosy flesh, tinted with salmon at the base. A most promising and pleasing rose.
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