'Booth's Rose' References
Book (Jun 1992) Page(s) 43. Bougère ('Clotilde') Tea. Bougère, 1832. [Author cites information from different sources.]
Book (1936) Page(s) 96. Bougère (tea) Bougère 1832; varies: hortensia-pink to lilac, medium to large, double, cup-form, thick petals, fragrance 6/10, floriferous, growth 7/10, robust, = Clothilde (tea); Anna Hilzer
Book (1936) Page(s) 346. Hilzer, Anna (tea) Hilzer 1892; hortensia-pink, large, double = Bougère
Book (1936) Page(s) 161. Clotilde (tea) Roland 1867; J. Margottin X ?; varies: hortensia-pink, centre sometimes violet-pink to red, very large, double = Bougère
Book (1910) Page(s) 306. Niphetos (Bougère, 1844) This rose is a good instance of what is termed “free” growth, i.e. neither long nor stout, but branching and generally growing somewhere. The foliage is good and not much liable to mildew, but the blooms will not stand rain. This old Rose has attained a very great reputation for its free-flowering qualities and its purity of colour. I do not know how many thousand feet run of glasshouses have been maintained for the purpose of growing the Rose which Mons. Bougère, the raiser, appropriately named Niphetos (“snowy”), but I apprehend the figures would very much have astonished him could he have known them when he issued it, and he would perhaps have wished to attach his own name to it instead of to the much less valuable production (Bougère, known in Australia and elsewhere as Lord Tarquin) of twelve years before
Book (1910) Page(s) 310. Bougère Tea; flowers deep salmon colour, very large and full, the petals of unusual substance; form cupped; growth vigorous. A superb Pot or Forcing Rose. Raised by M. Bougère at Angers. Introduced in 1832.
Website/Catalog (1907) Page(s) 25. Bougère (Bougère 1832) hydrangea-pink, beautiful variety
Book (1906) Page(s) 11. 733. Anna Hilzer, Thé, Hilzer 1892 hortensia
Book (1906) Page(s) 35. 2.313 Clothilde Thé, Roland, 1867, rose hortensia, syn. Bougère
Book (1905) Page(s) 122. Bougère, Tea Rose (raised by Bougère, 1832). Large, cup-shaped, full, hydrangea pink in colour, vigorous, free-flowering.