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'Tropical Sunset ™' rose References
Website/Catalog  (25 Sep 2018)  Includes photo(s).
Tropical Sunset MACtaung......
Website/Catalog  (10 Jul 2014)  
Registered Name: 'Mactaurang'
Synonyms: 'Marvelle', 'Rainbow Niagara'
ARS Approved Exhibition Name: Tropical Sunset™
Photo: courtesy of Ashdown Roses HT, yb, 1998, McGredy, Sam IV; bud big, pointed, yellow with orange-red; flowers yellow, striped pink and orange, aging lighter, 4-4½ in., dbl., cupped, borne mostly singly, slight, spice fragrance; recurrent; foliage large, light green, matte; prickles moderate; bushy, tall (4 ft.) growth; PP11484. [Louise Gardner × (Auckland Metro × (Stars 'n' Stripes × unknown))] Roses in Review: Garden Rating: 7.7 Exhibition Rating: Introductions: McGredy, 1995. Awards: Trial Ground Certificate, Durbanville, 2006
Booklet  (2008)  
An Information List of all Varieties. p8
1995. Marvelle - Mactaurang. Nicknamed Tauranga
Book  (2007)  Page(s) 542.  
Tropical Sunset HT. yb, 1998. McGredy, Sam IV; bud big, pointed, yellow with orange-red; flowers yellow, striped pink and orange, aging lighter, 4 - 4 1/2 in. dbl, cupped, borne mostly singly, slight spice fragrance; recurrent; foliage large, light green, matte; prickles moderate; bushy, tall (4ft) growth; PP11484; ['Louise Gardner' x ('Auckland Metro' x 'Stars 'n' Stripes' seedling)] int. by McGredy, 1995; Trial Ground Certificate, Durbanville, 2006.
Book  (2005)  Page(s) 200.  
Rainbow Niagara HT. orange blend (striped). 2003. AEN. B3w J. W. Bakker and Sons, Ontario; H7 Hole's Greenhouses, Canada ; R2 Regan Nursery, Fremont; S6w Sheridan Nurseries, Canada - wholesale.
Book  (Aug 2002)  Page(s) 86.  
Tropical Sunset
Interim rating 7.7
Article (misc)  (Jul 2002)  Page(s) 7.  
Tropical Sunset
Hybrid Tea
Book  (2002)  
p100. Swanes New Rose Introductions for 2002.
'Tropical Sunset'. MACtaurang. Hybrid Tea. Colour: Orange and yellow stripes; height tall-150cm. Foliage semi-gloss, green. Fragrance light and sweet. Usage: Customers will be enthralled by its novel and unqiue blooms that are a fanciful striking yellow striped with orange that is bright in the new flower, then softens to a delightful pink shade at finish.

p158. Treloar New Releases.
'Tropical Sunset', The striking yellow blooms are striped with orange.
Book  (2002)  
p144. 'Marvelle'. see 'Tropical Sunset'. MR11+. B5c Johnny Becnel Show Roses [custom propagation only]; H9 Hortico; BB4 Roseraries Barth, France; FF2 Pepiniere des Farguettes, France; GG5 K. S. Gopalaswamiengar Son, Bangalore; HH7 Richard Huber, Switzerland; KK3 W. Kordes Sohne, Germany; NN3 NIRP, France.

p225. 'Tropical Sunset' (MACtaurang'. 'Marvelle'). HT. yellow blend (*orange blend - striped). McGredy 1998. MR11 +. C3. Carroll Gardens; H10 Howerton Rose Nursery'; J1 Jackson & Perkins Co.; J2w Jackson & Perkins wholesale; O7w Otto & Sons wholesale; R2 Regan Nursery; RE12 N. W. Roses; S12 Staneks; T3 Teas Nursery'. Standard - J2w, R2.
Magazine  (Oct 1999)  Page(s) 31.  
'MACtaurang' (Marvelle; HT; yb; 1998; Published on page 75, IRAR Supplement 4. Additional synonym received - Tropical Sunset. ARS Exhibition name changed to Tropical Sunset.
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