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'Footloose ™' rose Description
'Mirato ® (shrub, Evers/Tantau, 1990)' rose photo
Photo courtesy of Rosaplant
Commercially available
HMF Ratings:
24 favorite votes.  
Average rating: GOOD+.  
Deep pink Shrub.
Registration name: TANotax
Exhibition name: Footloose ™
Bred by Hans Jürgen Evers (1940-2007) (Germany, before 1990). Bred by Rosen-Tantau (Germany, before 1990).
Introduced in Germany by Rosen-Tantau/Tantau Roses in 1990 as 'Mirato'.
Introduced in United States by Bear Creek Gardens, Inc. in 1990 as 'Footloose'.
Floribunda, Shrub.  
Pink to deep pink. [Light pink.].  8 to 25 petals.  Average diameter 2.5".  Medium, double (17-25 petals), cluster-flowered, in large clusters, flat bloom form.  Blooms in flushes throughout the season.  

Height: 30" to 42" (75 to 105cm).  Width: 30" (75cm).
USDA zone 4b and warmer.  Can be used for beds and borders, container rose, garden, ground cover or landscape.  Very hardy.  Disease susceptibility: very disease resistant.  
Breeder's notes:
'TANotax' has been tested for cold hardiness in the United States in trials at the Boerner Botanical Garden. It has survived temperatures to -20 degree F. without supplemental winter protection.
Germany - Patent No: ROS 836
United States - Patent No: PP 11,572  on  17 Oct 2000   VIEW USPTO PATENT
Application  on  26 Jan 1999
Royall River Roses says this rose has 2 1/2" rose pink, semi-double blossoms that virtually cover it...
According to the 1999 American Rose Annual, the correct registered name for this rose is 'TANotax'.
Ploidy is based on the chromosome count of its sport, Joyful Jubilee.