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'Melrose' References
Book  (Apr 1993)  Page(s) 374.  
Melrose Hybrid Tea, creamy white flushed cherry-red, 1963; 'Silver Lining' x 'E.G. Hill'; Dickson, A. Description.
Magazine  (Feb 1965)  Page(s) 1. trimester, p. 15,35.  
p. 15: Liste des VARIETES NOUVELLES éditées en FRANCE et enregistrées par le Syndicat National des Producteurs de Nouveautés au 31 Décembre 1964....
Rosa H Th DICme 0333 F IRL, 1964, Melrose, Lieu et numéro d'enregistrement en France Paris 81 328 , No d'enregistrement international - , Obtenteur Dickson, Editeur N.I.R.P.

p. 35: Variétés nouvelles mises au commerce pour la saison 1964-1965 ....
MELROSE Hybride de Thé Dickson 1964 DICme 00333 F. IRL Brevet en cours de dépôt M D. 81.328 Editeur exclusif pour la France NIRP, Boite Postale 2 - Strasbourg
C'est une rose turblnée. au coloris chair tendre, profondément frangée et inondée de carmin. Ce délicat coloris se maintient jusqu'au complet épanouissement de la fleur. La fraicheur de son coloris évoque la saine jeunesse. Cet hybride de thé forme un beau buisson fait de longues tiges rigides portant des fleurs en tous points ravissantes. Ce rosier d'un egrande lignée, a été en effet obtenu par le croisement de Silver Lining x E.G. Hill. Coloris : Chair tendre, profondément frangée et inondée de carmin. Bouton : Allongé et turbiné. Fleurs : Grosses et pleines, formées de 42 grands pétales. Sa forme est celle d'un hybride de thé classique. Les pétales sont légèrement ourlés à l'épanouissement. Végétation : Port érigé. Plante vigoureuse et d'une très bonne végétation au feuillage vert moyen à l'avers, vert émeraude au revers. Sa hauteur varie de 80 è 100 cm. Ce rosier est résistant aux maladies et aux gelées. Floraison : Continue de juin à l'automne. C'est un rosier florifère apte à refleurir rapidement. Parfum : Très fort.
Récompense : Certificat de 1ère classe - National Rose Society - Ce rosier a été testé et retenu pour le forçage aux Etats Unis. Nous signalons qu'en France des essais sont actuellement effectués sur la Côte d'Azur.
Book  (1965)  
p15.  Roy and Heather Rumsey, NSW.  New Roses. 
Melrose HT. (A. Dickson & Sons) A creamy coloured flower with petals tipped with carmine. A very ugly bud, and the flower, wouldn't open much better; we just couldn't do any good with it. ('Silver Lining' x 'E. G. Hill').

p85. Dr. A. S. Thomas, New Roses in Victoria.
Melrose  HT. (Dickson, 1963)  'Silver Lining' x 'E. G. Hill'. In the same colour group as 'Kordes' Perfecta', 'Rose Gaujard' and others. Not a big flower but at least sixty petals. So far most of the flowers have been malformed on my plants. This was not apparent in Europe in 1963 but the flowers displayed were cut always from thousands of plants and possibly they were selected carefully, or they may be better on mature plants.
Website/Catalog  (1965)  Page(s) 9.  Includes photo(s).
(photo): MELROSE DiCme 00333 F. IRL La pièce 5.90 - les dix 56

p. 9: MELROSE, Dicme 00333 F I.R.L. (Dickson 1964).  PRO[tégée]....  Fleur bien formée de coloris rose chair, les pétales ourlés étant frangés de carmin, port érigé. FL [feuillage luisant].  O[dorante].  + [conseillées pour fleurs coupées de plein air].
Certificat Première Classe N.R.S. 1962. Premier Certificat Madrid. 
Book  (1964)  Page(s) 160.  
T. G. Stewart, Victoria.  advertisement. 
Roses for 1964.  Melrose
Book  (1963)  Page(s) 90.  
Bernard Jones, Warwick Hospital. 'Melrose'.
Next autumn Messrs. Alex. Dickson of Hawlmark are introducing a new rose named 'Melrose'; a pleasing choice of name this, but one too of rather unusual relevance. I happen to be remotely connected with a hospital where the miraculous "hole in the heart" operation is performed, the operation which makes possible a normal span of life to the (usually) young patient. The operation itself depends very greatly on the remarkable heart/lung machine which "takes over" for the patient during the critical surgery phase, and the originator of the machine is Dr. Denis Melrose of the Post-Graduate Hospital, Hammersmith. Now, the point of interest to rosarians is that it happens to be the custom of many, if not all, of the heart/lung teams to have a rosebud in water in the theatre during the operation - a symbol perhaps of the opening ahead of life for the young patient, and a rather lovely and sentimental idea. The rose is subsequently given to the patient as a treasured memento. Anyway, a few years ago Dr. John Raison of the South Warwickshire Unit was in conversation with Dr. Melrose, and the remark was made that it would be rather nice if a rose could be named "after the operation". The suggestion was passed on to me, and I contacted Mr. Edland, who with his customary enthusiasm circulated a few of the big growers. Messrs. Alex. Dickson accepted the idea with great pleasure, promising to provide a really good new one for naming, and it then occurred to both Dr. Raison and myself that the ideal name would be 'Melrose'. About the rose itself: Dr. Raison and I have seen and handled a cluster sent over by Messrs. Dickson this summer and thought it very lovely indeed. A typical hybrid tea, the breeding is 'Silver Lining' X 'E. G. Hill', and colour a pronounced silver deeply edged and flushed intense carmine; lovely size, full and unusually long-lasting. Habit is extremely vigorous and healthy as seen at Newtownards by another medical friend. Incidentally, I have just heard from Messrs. Dickson that 'Melrose' has been granted the National Rose Society's Trial Ground Certificate this summer (1962).
Book  (1963)  Page(s) 161.  

Trial Ground Awards 1962.  
Trial Ground Certificate to Melrose (HT) . Trial Ground  No. 150. Reg. No. 756. Raiser and Distributor: Alex. Dickson  &  Sons Ltd., N. Ireland. 'Silver Lining' x 'E. G. Hill'. Vigour  of  growth, 8.  Habit of growth upright with  dark green leathery foliage, 8. Freedom from disease, 16. Blooms of 42 rather small petals, 3  1/2 inches across when open, 7. Colour creamy-white overlaid cherry-red, 7. Freedom of flowering, 14. General effect, 6. Fragrance, 6. 

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