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'Liebestraum' rose References
Website/Catalog  (2010)  Includes photo(s).
Book  (Apr 1993)  Page(s) 490.  
Red Queen Hybrid Tea, red, 1968, ('Liebestraum'); 'Colour Wonder' x 'Liberty Bell'; Kordes. Description.
Book  (1988)  Page(s) 144 (photo) -145.  Includes photo(s).
Red Queen Description. Parentage: 'Konigin der Rosen' [aka 'Colour Wonder'] x 'Liberty Bell'.
Website/Catalog  (1982)  Page(s) 41.  Includes photo(s).
Red Queen : rouge
Book  (1972)  Page(s) 141.  
Dr. Thomas, Victoria.  The New Ones. 
'Liebestraum was the original name registered for this rose in 1969. In the following year it was granted a fresh and separate second registration as 'Red Queen'. This double naming is permissible under the euphemism of "commercial synonym" and it does not cancel the original name. There are many other instances of this practice and especially in recent years. Surely, in this instance, there is no difficulty or possible objection to the original name. Every teenager knows the word and its meaning, "Love's Dream." This rose is likely to dominate show benches for a very long time and its growth is most vigorous.
Website/Catalog  (1972)  Page(s) 11.  
RED QUEEN (KORIo 0659) Très vigoureuse et florifère. Fleur grande et double, de belle forme, rouge velouté et grenat. Très bonne en fleurs coupées

[no longer listed in 1975]
Magazine  (Aug 1971)  Page(s) 3. trimester, p. 39.  
Liste des variétés nouvelles de roses éditées en France et enregistrées par le Syndicat National des Producteurs de Nouveautés en 1970....
KORlo 0659 F D, 1968, Red Queen, Lieu et Nd'enregistrement en France - , Nd'enregistement international - , Obtenteur Kordes, Editeur Vilmorin
Book  (1971)  
p152. Dr. A. S. Thomas, Victoria.  The New Ones. 
Red Queen, HT. (R. Kordes, 1968) ('Konigen der Rosen' x 'Liberty Bell'). It was new in Victoria in 1969 and everyone who has grown it has enthused over it. A strong grower with deep reddish coloured young leaves. A good show rose.

p153. Mr. W. G. Treloar, Victoria. The New Ones. 
Red Queen and 'Red Lion' had few admirers until they were seen on the show bench during 1970.
Book  (1970)  
p27. Roy and Heather Rumsey, NSW. New Roses. 
Red Queen HT. (Kordes) A sport of 'Konigin der Rosen', and it is an improvement on this cultivar. A rich bright red, very well formed, double and very free flowering.

p154.  Mr. H. Murray, Killara, NSW.  The New Ones.  
Red Queen The bright light-red flowers are produced on a bush with good foliage and an attractive habit of growth. It is a good garden rose and appears capable of reaching exhibition standard.

p155.  Mr. W. G. Treloar, Portland, Victoria. The New Ones.  
Red Queen This cultivar could be the best of the 1969 releases in the red shades and will be seen at rose shows in the near future. The growth is good.
Website/Catalog  (1970)  Page(s) 2, 48 (photo).  Includes photo(s).
RED QUEEN (Kordes 1970) M.D. - Var. KORIo 0659 FD. Btée S.G.D.G.
De très grandes fleurs d'un coloris agréable issues d'un bouton élégant.
Prix unitaire par 1 ....8,30 par 5 et + ....7,80
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