'Climbing Lady Ashtown' rose References
Book (Apr 1993) Page(s) 297. Lady Ashtown, Climbing Climbing Hybrid Tea, carmine-pink, base yellow, 1909, Bradley.
Book (1955) Page(s) pl. 58, after p. 128. Includes photo(s). Climbing Lady Ashtown for a back-door pillar-crossbar. (Roche, Photo)
Article (misc) (4 Mar 1950) Page(s) 30. Lady Ashtown, Cl. is very hardy here. The pointed buds and full blooms are beautiful carmine-pink... blackspots late in fall.
Book (1947) Page(s) 123. Climbing Sports...Climbing Lady Ashtown (H.T.), Bradley 1909
Website/Catalog (1938) Page(s) 52. Climbing Section Climbing Lady Ashtown... Climbing type of "Lady Ashtown". Introduced 1910.
Article (misc) (1935) Page(s) 105. Climbing Lady Ashtown is likely to revert to the bush, but if you get a true climber, produces perfect blooms on long stems.
Magazine (Oct 1933) Page(s) 82. Nouveautés 1933 .... Pierre BEL, 216, Route de Vénissieux, VENISSIEUX (Rhône). Climbing Lady Asthown (Obtenteur Paul PINAT ; éditeurs pépinières Pierre BEL). — Accident fixé de la variété si appréciée, dont elle a conservé toutes les qualités. Végétation très grande. Très florifère. Coloris rose tendre.
Book (1933) Page(s) 167, 175 (photo). Includes photo(s). CL. LADY ASHTOWN. Bradley, 1910. Robust, climbing sport of the bush Hybrid Tea, with the same handsome, pointed, sparkling pink flowers. Profuse, early bloomer, moderate thereafter. Unusually hardy for this class.
Book (1930) Page(s) 23. The Best Climbing and Pillar Roses For you who love the abandon and vigor of the climbing Rose here is an assortment of Climbers for all climates that is reliable, covers all shades of color, and constitutes, we think, one of the most complete offerings of its kind in America. Strong 2 and 3 year old, field grown plants that will quickly give a wealth of bloom. We also carry a stock of larger Climbing Roses, with trellises, in tubs for immediate effects. Climbing Lady Ashtown Climbing Hybrid Tea (1909) Vigorous, ever-blooming, mildew- resistant; very free blooming; sparkling pink with yellow. ... $1.25
Website/Catalog (1929) Page(s) 58. Tender Climbing Roses Climbing Lady Ashtown. Climbing Hybrid Tea. (Bradley, 1909.) Sparkling pink flowers lit with a sunny yellow suffusion; fine pointed blooms with exquisitely recurved petals. Plant is very vigorous, unusually free flowering, and hardy. A shade lighter than Lady Ashtown, but equally attractive. It is very vigorous and much hardier than most of the Climbing Hybrid Teas. One of the most satisfactory for northem gardens, blooming profusely early in the season and quite freely thereafter.