'Golden Glory' rose References
Book (Apr 1993) Page(s) 215. Golden Glory Hybrid Tea, deep golden yellow, 1931, Dobbie.
Book (1946) Page(s) 66. Terry Honeybun. Yellow Roses. ...we will take colour values first. Easily the leader is Golden Glory, an almost unfading flower at all times of the year. ... Ability to withstand Inclement Weather and Thrips: Golden Glory is supreme, followed by McGredy's Yellow.
Book (1944) Page(s) 71. Terry Honeybun, Victoria Golden Glory: The deepest and purest of all the yellow Roses. Repels thrips and adverse weather. For colour and clean blooms sets a standard for all other yellows. Growth short and slanting, but good.
Book (1942) p64. Harry Bennett. NZ. Roses in the Waikato. Golden Glory.- Good slanting growth; rich bloom.
p88. Mr. Terry Honeybun. The Most Beautiful Roses. Golden Glory: Good shape, and the deepest pure yellow I have grown that does not fade.
Book (1939) Page(s) 128. Mrs T. R. Willis, NZ. Rangitiki Roses. The most striking Rose has been Golden Glory, a rich buttercup yellow of perfect form, not very full, but with enough petals to make a perfect exhibition bloom; a rich fruity scent; grows well, with good dark green foliage. Altogether a very attractive Rose. There seems to be two stocks of this variety. I have seen a so-called Golden Glory, a pale lemon of good shape, but not to be compared with the one I have, which I got from Mr. F. Mason, of Feilding.
Website/Catalog (1938) Page(s) 21. Bush Roses Golden Glory (Hybrid Tea).. Deep, unfading yellow. Free flowering. Very highly perfumed. Introduced 1931.
Book (1936) Page(s) 303. Glory, Golden (HT) Dobbie 1931; golden-yellow, fades to light yellow, rolled edges, large, semi-double, fine form, lasting, fragrance 6/10 (tea) mediocre, floriferous, growth 5/10. Sangerhausen
Website/Catalog (1932) Page(s) 40. New Roses 1932. Golden Glory (HT. Dobbie & Co. 1929) Flower deep buttercup yellow. The colour is most outstanding and the flower has a rich and delightful perfume. One of the finest yellow roses in commerce. 4/- each. Blooms extra good but growth dies back in this climate. In Adelaide zone it should prove a very fine sort.