'Yabadabadoo ®' rose References
Book (2011) Page(s) 16. Georgina Campbell. Looking Back. Poor Yabadabadoo had a hard time with a builder's wheelbarrow running over it more than once! This rose was planted for Gary since there were no roses with his name and I decided it suited his personality. Now I grow it as an important part of the McGredy Rose Garden.
Booklet (2008) An Information List of all Varieties. p6 1982. Yabadabadoo - Macyaba
Book (Apr 1993) Page(s) 645. Yabadabadoo® Hybrid Tea, deep yellow, 1981, (MACyaba); 'Yellow Pages' x 'Bonfire Night'; McGredy, Sam. Description.
Book (1993) Page(s) 417. Includes photo(s).
Book (1989) Page(s) 75. Conrad Harneiss. Franklin Rose Society. ....if there is one thing I hate it's a rose that lacks vigour and good health and, really it is the only reason that I discard cultivars. 'Yabadabadoo' and.... will all go at the end of this flowering season.
Book (1986) Page(s) 113. Don Sheppard. Review of Newer Roses in 1985-86 Season. Yabadabadoo McGredy 1981. ('Yellow Pages' x 'Bonfire'); 13 reports; 15 bushes; 1-4 years; 1m; 7.0 rating. The rating has risen dramatically this year but, from reports, it is not because people are getting used to its name! It can be slow to establish, but it has "grown" on many reporters. However. two regions say that their bushes were poor to begin with and they have not improved. Northland, Carterton, Hastings, Wairoa, Rotorua, Wellington, Golden Bay, Central Taranaki and South Canterbury all say that the blooms are wonderful, unfading yellow, small, but of good form. The repeat is average, and the stems are inclined to be short. it is not a vigorous rose and basal shoots are not over abundant. The foliage is small and healthy. Several reporters recommend it as a very good, tidy, unfading yellow garden rose.
Book (1985) Page(s) 41. Don Sheppard. Review of Newer Roses for 1984-85 Season. 'Yabadabadoo'. McGredy 1981 ('Yellow Pages' x 'Bonfire') 5 reports, 5 bushes, 1-3 years, 1 metre, 5.7 rating. The rating for this rose has dropped considerably since last year, let's see why. It hasn't done too well in Gisbome this year, too few good blooms, has had dieback. Could be the drought. North Otago says this rose has never done well for them, is coming out - weak growth, poor scrappy foliage plus poor small blooms. Rotorua report blooms of very rich unfading yellow, a little small perhaps but good. But they've had no basals for two years.
Book (1984) Page(s) 37. Don Sheppard. Review of Newer Roses in 1983-84 Season. Yabababadoo. McGredy 1981. ('Yellow Pages' x 'Bonfire'). Yellow. 7 reports, 8 bushes, 2 years, 1.1 metres. 7.4 rating. Wellington report rich gold colour, medium sized blooms with good texture and form, but dull scrappy foliage with a terrible name. Rotorua says the colour does not fade but bush shy on growth. North Otago say bright colour with smallish bloom and healthy. Manawatu like the clean yellow with no pink overtones. Hastings finds it repeats well.
Book (1983) Includes photo(s). p30. Don Sheppard. Review of Newer Roses for 1982-83 Season, Yabadabadoo McGredy 1981. ('Yellow Pages' x 'Bonfire') Yellow 4 reports, 1 year, 3', 7.0 rating. Canterbury report an unfading yellow, best up to half open stage, Central Taranaki say the blooms are small and unfading. Both agree the bush grows compactly and well with good foliage. Hastings reports a good bedder but taking mildew. whilst North Otago is not decided on this. Canterbury likes the rose. Loathes the name!
p90. Photo. Yabadabadoo Sam McGredy. 'Yellow Pages' x 'Bonfire Night'.
p118. Nola Simpson. Rose Selection 1983. Yabadabadoo HT. Golden yellow roses still remain in short supply. This one is well worth growing for picking and garden display. The bushes are compact, healthy with glossy foliage. The blooms are of medium size and pleasing shape.
Book (1978) Page(s) 193. Peter Wood. The Summer Rose Show. The best display of roses was shown by John Mattock Ltd...... There were lots of new McGredy roses all very tempting but with horrible code names such as Macyab.....