'Caecilie Scharsach' rose References
Article (magazine) (2011) Page(s) 83-84. Includes photo(s). Caecilie Scharsach', hybrid perpetual, 1887 - 'Jules Margottin' x ?
Book (1936) Page(s) 648. Scharsach, Caecilie (HP) Geschwind 1887; J. Margottin X ?; flesh-white, pales to white, large to very large, very double, fine form, fragrance 8/10, floriferous, repeats, arching, growth 7/10. Sangerhausen
Magazine (20 May 1911) Page(s) 243. The Parentage of Roses. The following list of the world's Roses and their parentage has been compiled by Mr. Robert Daniel, 38 Russell Road. Fishponds, Bristol, and by his kind permission we are enabled to publish it... Cæcilae Scharash [sic]... Hybrid Perpetual, Geschwindt, 1887, Seedling Jules Margottin
Book (1902) Page(s) 137. Hybrides Remontants (non classés)... 4608. Caecilie Scharsach (Geschwindt 1887) carné
Book (1899) Page(s) 30. Caecilie Scharsach, HR, Geschw., 1887, carné
Book (1889) Page(s) 192. New Roses of 1888. Hybrid Perpetual roses. Cäcilie Scharsach, Geschwind-Ketten. Large, often very large, very double, fine form, white-flesh-coloured, passing to white, fragrant. Vigorous. Descends from 'Jules Margottin'.
Magazine (1888) Page(s) 59. Rosiers Nouveaux 1887-1888...Rosiers hybrides remontants. Cacillie Scharsach (obtenue par Geschwind, vendue par Ketten frères), fl. très grande, blanc carné passant au blanc.
Book (1888) Page(s) 188. New Roses 1873-87. Caecilie Scharsach (H.P.), flesh white changing to pure white, large and full; a seedling from Jules Margottin.