'Friendship' rose References
Book (Apr 1993) Page(s) 195. Friendship Hybrid Tea, bright strawberry-red, with bright scarlet undertone, 1938, Dickson, A. Description.
Book (1990) Page(s) 79. Friendship Dickson 1938... bright red with deeper shades...
Book (1945) Page(s) 88. Mr C. S. Firth. Varieties Doing well at Papatoetoe, N.Z. Friendship: A very good red with a strong scent.
Book (1940) p102. S. R. Bird. Roses and Shows in New Zealand Friendship shows more of the white streaks in the lower petals than probably any Rose we have had before; a garden red we cannot expect to be very popular.
p118. Mr. T. G. Stewart. The 1940 Novelties. Friendship. Purely decorative, very free flowering, strong growth; colour very good.
Book (1939) p19. Harry H. Hazlewood. The New Roses of 1939. Friendship HT. (A. Dickson & Sons, 1938) has been only Iuke warm here.
p109. Mr Allen A. Brundrett. A Review of the New Roses in Victoria Friendship, H.T. (A. Dickson).-An ordinary red so far, scented, with 15 to 20 petals. May improve when established, as reds often do.
p119. Mr. C. W. Heers. Roses in Queensland on a limited acquaintance.. Friendship, H.T.- The description given by the raisers - bright strawberry red with brilliant scarlet undertone, moderately full, with large petals - is fairly reliable here. The colour is decidedly brilliant, but dulls somewhat as the flower expands. Its ultimate growth and flowering propensities will determine its future.
Website/Catalog (1938) Page(s) 5. HAWLMARK NOVELTIES FOR 1938 Friendship (Hybrid Tea) Bright strawberry red with a brilliant scarlet undertone. Moderately full, with very large, solid petals and delightful form. Magnificentt growth of ideal bushy, bedding type, and extremely prolific. Pronounced true old rose scent. This bright fragrant Rose is produced in great masses, and will have a strong appeal.