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'Sarah Arnot' rose References
Website/Catalog  (9 Jul 2013)  
Registered Name: 'Sarah Arnot'
ARS Approved Exhibition Name: Sarah Arnot
Photo: Capt. Eddy Krause HT, mp, 1958, Arnot, David; flowers warm rose-pink, 4½ in., 25 petals, moderate fragrance; foliage leathery; vigorous, upright growth. [Ena Harkness × Peace]. Introductions:
D. W. Croll Ltd., 1957/ Awards:Gold Medal, NRS, 1958
Book  (8 Mar 1970)  Page(s) 129.  
Sarah Arnot [One of Harry Wheatcroft's selections of the Best Hybrid Teas.] Introduced in Britain in 1956. Description... high-centred rose pink...
Book  (1961)  Page(s) 118.  
W. C. Thorn. What's In A Name. 'Sarah Arnot' was named for the raiser's mother....
Book  (1959)  Page(s) 15.  
Harry H. Hazlewood.  Some New Roses for 1959.  
Sarah Arnot HT. (Croll 1957) Semi-double to double blooms with broad petals of rich rose pink.  Moderately fragrant, free flowering, with vigorous healthy growth. 'Mme. A. Meilland' x 'Ena Harkness').
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