Book (Apr 1993) Page(s) 109. Corail Large-flowered Climber, light peach-blossom-pink, reverse coral-pink and carmine, 1931, 'William Allen Richardson' x 'Orléans Rose'; Schwartz, A. Description.
Book (1936) Page(s) 172. Corail (multiflora) Schwartz 1931; W. A. Richardson X Orléans Rose; light peach-pink, reverse deep coral-pink, flecked carmine, large, double, continuous bloom, light green foliage, growth 7/10. Sangerhausen
Book (1933) Page(s) 55. Harry H. Hazlewood. The New Roses of 1933. Corail (Schwartz), described as a Hybrid Multiflora, appears to be Hybrid Musk, and promises well, as an early flowering climber in this section.
Website/Catalog (1933) Page(s) 41. New Roses 1933. Corail (Hyb. Mult. A. Schwartz 1931) Very vigorous growth, beautiful glossy green foliage. Flower large for the type, pretty form. Colour tender rosy peach, reverse coral rose, shaded carmine. Very good variety for pergola, etc. Price 4/- each. Flowered within three months of budding, a most unusual occurrence for a climber. Should be an early and continuous bloomer as it flowers on tips and laterals as well.
Magazine (Nov 1931) Page(s) 124. Nouveautés 1931... A. SCHWARTZ, 230, route de Vienne, Vénissieux-lès-Lyon (Rhône). Hybride de multiflore. Corail. - Arbuste très vigoureux, beau feuillage veil clair glacé. Fleur grande pour le genre, jolie forme assez pleine, s'ouvrant toujours bien, rose tendre fleur de pêcher, revers rose corail foncé taché de carmin. Très bonne variété pour pergola. Très remontant, à floraison continuelle. Variété issue de William Allen Richardson et Orléans Rose.