'Louisa Jane' rose References
Website/Catalog (2002) Page(s) 30. Includes photo(s). ‘Louisa Jane’ 1976. Appealing blends of soft ivory and blush pink. A colour variation of ‘Baronne E. de Rothschild’. Very fragrant.
Website/Catalog (2000) Page(s) 7. ‘Louisa Jane’ Hybrid Tea. 1976, Australia. Double, very fragrant, large flowers, cut flowers, recurrent. 1.4 x 1.2m Pink white blend.
Book (1999) Page(s) 38. Includes photo(s). ‘Louisa Jane’ 1976. Colour sport of ‘Baronne Edmond de Rothschild’ (Meilland 1968 [Baccara x Crimson King] x Peace). Large Flowered Bush rose Sport. Double, fragrant, flowers centred soft white, with mauve and pink shadings, deeper to edge of petals, fully recurrent. Mid green, smooth, shiny foliage, reddish new growth. Flower: 40 petals, 90mm 1 to 2. Bush 1.25m x 1m.
Book (1999) Page(s) 370. Includes photo(s). ‘Louisa Jane’ Modern, large flowered hybrid tea, mauve/pink blend. Repeat flowering. ‘Louisa Jane’ is a sport that was found in a South Australian garden. The ground colour is much paler than its parent but the petal edges are flushed with the same cyclamen color, the petal reverse being almost white. This is an excellent grower with large, dark green, abundant, glossy foliage and a strong perfume. A great bedding rose, its unique color makes it very popular in Australia. The full blooms of both varieties are particularly attractive and hold their color well; both are good for cutting, combining very well with lavender and plum-tinted roses. Zones 5-10. Ross, Australia, 1976. Sport of ‘Baronne Edmond de Rothschild’.
Website/Catalog (1998) Page(s) 4. ‘Louisa Jane’ Hybrid tea. 1976 Australia. Double, fragrant, recurrent. 1.3m x 1.0m. pink white blend.
Website/Catalog (1998) Page(s) 11. ‘Louisa Jane’ Medium height. Double, very fragrant. Colour sport of ‘Baronne E. de Rothschild’, ivory blooms distinctively shading ruby to the edges.
Book (1997) p33 David Ruston. Australian Sports. ‘Louisa Jane’ (HT) Ross Roses 1976 – a sport of ‘Baronne Edumnd De Rothschild – paler in colour but just as beautiful.
p45 Steve Beck. My Most Healthy and Free Flowering Roses Symposium. ‘Louisa Jane’ – Sport of ‘Baronne Edmund de Rothschild’ Light ice pink with darker tones. Very fragrant. Vigorous, tall.
Book (1996) Page(s) 82. ‘Louisa Jane’ (sport of ‘Baronne E. de Rothschild). Ross, Australia, 1976) HT Pink/white. [available from] Golden Vale, Ross, Thomas, Trewallyn.
Newsletter (1996) Page(s) 15. Vol 5, No. 2. ‘Louisa Jane’ HT. 1975. Alex Ross. Sport ???
Book (Apr 1993) Page(s) 324. Louisa Jane Hybrid Tea, center soft white, shading to mauve-pink, 1976, 'Baronne Edmond de Rothschild' sport; Ross, A. Description.