'Rosa macrophylla 'Rubricaulis'' rose References
Book (1997) Page(s) 215. Rubricaulis (R. macrophylla rubricaulis) Hybrid macrophylla. Himalayas. Introduced by Hillier. Description...
Book (Nov 1994) Page(s) 87. Rosa macrophylla. Himalaya. One of the largest of shrubby roses, reaching 15 feet in height and as much or more in width. ....the leaflets, from 7 to 9 in number, are hairy beneath... Two subsequent collections by Forrest were named 'Glaucescens' and 'Rubricaulis' by Messrs Hillier. In the former the leaves are particularly glaucous, and in the latter the plum-like bloom on the dark reddish stems is a distinguishing feature. 'Rubicaulis' has not proved so hardy as the other forms in cultivation, but is of exceptional beauty, and richly colored.
Book (1981) Page(s) 111-112. R. 'Rubricaulis' Young stems bloomy, they and the rachis, stipules, bracts and receptacles dark purplish red. This beautiful but slightly tender rose was named by Messrs. Hillier and raised by them from Forrest 15309, collected in the Yungpei mountains of N.W. Yunnan at 9,000 ft in 1917. The seeds were originally distributed as R. macrophylla, under which 'Rubricualis' is listed by Messr Hillier, but Forrest's corresponding field specimen was later identified by Byhouwer as R. davidii var. elongata, a variety which could constitute a link between R. davidii and R. macrophylla.