'Jeanne Duval' rose Reviews & Comments
Thanks Patricia for the hints - have considered Antonine d'Ormois, Belle sans Flatterie, Cosimo Ridofli, Nestor, Ombree Parfaite, Hippolyte and Boule de Nanteuil. Anais Segalas is close as is President de Seze, but I think they both have more petals and are more carmine in colouring than my little rose. Also have read Graham Thomas, Beales and Rix amongst others - Jenny Duval is the only one I can find that fits the height of growth and colour. The flowers are more open than any of the others and have a strong scent and are more often solitary on each cane. Very fine spines on the canes, no noticeable thorns. I would love to pop over - will try to get a day.
Rose Marsh (HRiA founder) gave me several unnamed cuttings in the 1990's which I have continued to grow. She recently brought buds and leaves of one for me to identify. Until this year the rose I have has not done well and although it has proliferated on its own roots has not flowered. Now thanks to the rain we have had in SW WA over winter I can almost confirm that I have Jenny Duval . Thanks to Patricia Routley for her fine photos which have enabled me to identify this rose as the same one she is growing. The rose grows upright to 80cm with typical Gallica leaves and tiny, fine spines on the stems. It spreads slowly to create a patch of canes.The flowers are born most often singly and begin as pink/soft cerise buds aging through light magenta to soft mauve/lilac/grey. I have never seen a hip but will look more closely this year.
Gee, Judy. To say that an Australian identifies a gallica for certain is a very big ask. In this hot country we just don’t grow too many gallicas and certainly do not have the gallica literature to investigate what we do grow.
I have just had to accept that my rose is ‘Jenny Duval’ (provenance The Flower Garden, S.A.-> Zephyr Brook 4-7 in 2000-> TT-E-11, but if you want to read up a little, the references for “Anais Segalas (in Australia)”, ‘Cosimo Ridolfi’, ‘Jenny’, or ‘President de Seze’ might be of interest.
Whatever this rose is - paired with ‘Veilchenblau’ overhead, and with Reithmuller’s ‘Honeyflow’ by its side, it makes a delectable scene (without the ‘Red Cascade’ of course). You are very welcome to whizz over right now while they are all flowering.
Initial post
4 APR 22 by
Amy E
Does Jenny Duval normally set hips? (I can't see any in any of the photos here) Mine has set a single solitary one, and I was curious to know if the seeds may be fertile or not? Any advice appreciated.
It has one descendant recorded (quite recently) as seed parent, so I'd give it a go. Have a look at the HRIA website heritage dot roses dot org dot au /Info /Articles/ rose breeding (article by Warren Millington), which includes how to handle the seeds. If you live in a cold-winter area, you may get away without stratifying the seeds - planting them and leaving them outside may be enough. If you get a repeat-flowering seedling (which isn't likely) it should flower by Christmas. If not, you have to wait till late spring next year to see what it does.
#2 of 2 posted
5 APR 22 by
Amy E
Thanks Margaret. I'll read the article and give it a shot!
Parente d’Hippolyte Duval, obtenteur français né en 1889