'Rosa X rapa Bosc' rose Reviews & Comments
Available from - Greenmantle Nursery
I notice that there are no descendants listed at HMF for 'Rose d'amour'; is this rose sterile?
Initial post
25 JUL 15 by
Available from - brochet-lanvin
My 'Rose d'Amour' from Vintage Gardens is once-blooming, and among its many virtues it is thornless.
UPDATE: I lost my plant from Vintage Gardens in a terrible winter rodent disaster in 2013. A few years ago, I was able to get another plant from Greenmantle. It was sold as 'Rose d'Amour,' but resembles the plants shown in photos here for Rosa virginiana plena. Points of resemblance: foliage, flowers, buds, sepals, receptacles. This plant has a pleasing OGR fragrance and a light covering of fine prickles. It's not thornless as the Vintage Gardens plant was.