'GUEscan' rose References
Book (2000) Page(s) 152. Includes photo(s). ‘Cerys Ann’/GUEscan = Hybride de Thé… grande fleur pleine et symétrique, au parfum très doux. Le jaune maïs de ses pétales fermes, élégamment rangés autour d’un cœur élancé, se colore au soleil de rouge et d’abricot… floraison généreuse pour un rosier à fleur aussi double… feuillage sombre et brillant, au port un peu irrégulier… Guest, UK, 1997.
Book (Dec 1998) Page(s) 152. Includes photo(s).
Book (Dec 1998) Page(s) 152. Cerys Ann (GUEscan) Large-flowered/Hybrid Tea. Guest (UK) 1997. Parentage: 'Fulton Mackay' x 'Freedom'. Description... basically a medium shade of yellow, with a suffusion of red towards the tips of the petals as they age... The rose honors the memory of the raiser's granddaughter who, as a five year old, lost her life in tragic circumstances...
Book (1995) Page(s) 30. Colin P. Horner, The 1994 Rose Seedling Awards in Great Britain. GUEscan (T.G.1168) was the only Large Flower variety to gain an award, although the blooms which are generally produced singly are not particularly large. The parentage revealed two popular varieties in the U.K. 'Fulton Mackay' x 'Freedom'. The raiser Maurice Guest who has been producing interesting seedlings for over thirty years won the Torridge Award for the best award winning rose bred by an amateur. This was well deserved. Trial Ground Certificate.