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'Regina Elena' rose References
Website/Catalog  (1939)  Page(s) [4].  Includes photo(s).
Regina Elena
Sport of "Briarcliff"
Registered with the American Rose Society; U. S Patent Applied for
"Regina Elena" is a hybrid tea rose. Rose enthusiasts have long sought a rose of the "Briarcliff" type but with deeper, more lasting color. "Regina Elena" fulfills this desire. Its distinguishing characteristics are firmly fixed.
Color: General effect is a uniform, dark rose pink, which remains the same color when flower is wide open.
Bud: Long, pointed; dark rose pink in color. Opens gradually and perfectly.
Flower: Large and full when open; about five inches across. About fifty petals of good substance. Pleasing fragrance and excellent lasting quality.
Habit: Grows upright; with abundance of very long and exceedingly stout stems and a profusion of dark green foliage. A free bloomer.
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