'Harison Lemon' rose References
Book (Apr 1999) Page(s) 170. [Under the enry for 'Harison's Yellow'.] One, identical with the parent, save in paler color, has been tagged 'Harison's Lemon', and resembles a theoretic double Hugonis.
Book (1953) Page(s) 67. Harison Lemon - 28
Book (1936) Page(s) 330. Harison Lemon (hybrid lutea) Hamblin 1929; Harrison's Yellow X ? ; lemon-yellow, medium size, semi-double, globular, lasting, solitary, fragrance 3/10, floriferous, June, small foliage, growth 5/10, bushy, 1.50 m., hardy.
Book (1930) Page(s) 219. In New Roses of the World: Harison Lemon. AB. (Stephen F. Hamblin, 1929.) Seedling of Harison's Yellow. Type, Harison's Yellow. Bud medium size, globular; flower medium size, semi-double, globular, lasting, moderately fragrant, clear lemon-yellow, borne singly on short stem. Foliage sufficient, small, rich green, disease-resistant. Growth moderate (5 ft.), biushy; abundant bloomer in May and June. Very hardy.