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'Dr. T. Allen Kirk' rose References
Website/Catalog  (1960)  Page(s) 11.  
DOCTEUR T. ALLEN KIRCK (Mallerin 1939). Capucine lumineux, moiré corail, semi-double. 

[no longer listed in 1975]
Book  (1958)  Page(s) 90.  
Dr. Kirk. HT. (Mallerin; int. A. Meilland, also C-P, '40.) Charles P. Kilham X unnamed R. fœtida bicolor hybrid. Bud long pointed; fl. very large, dbl. (35 petals), high centered, slightly fragrant, coral, shaded nasturtium-yellow. Vig.
Website/Catalog  (1954)  Page(s) 14.  
'Dr. Kirke. A gorgeous copper with a touch of salmon on a strong growing plant. This does not have its full color except when well watered and grown in a very cool, high climate; then it is magnificent with its perfect long bud and is also very double.
Website/Catalog  (1946)  Page(s) 17.  
DOCTEUR T. ALLEN KIRCK (Mallerin 1939). Fleur turbinée, capucine lumineux, moiré corail, trèss vigoureux et florifère. 
Book  (1944)  Page(s) 194.  
Proof of the Pudding....Hampton, Tex. brilliant copper rosy red on an upright plant with good clean folaige and nice long stems.... King Minn. (1 pl., 2 yr) Strong growth, more blooms than last year, some black-spot; beautiful buds though flowers fade quickly, but all in all a fine rose........
Book  (1942)  
p152. Proof of the Pudding Summary.
'Dr. Kirk'. 2 years reported. Total reports 9. Five - for. Three - fair. One - against. Fine buds but open flowers blue.

p172. Proof of the Pudding.
'Dr. Kirk'. HT. Bic. (Mallerin, '40) ARA '40; PP '40. '41. Lawlor Vt. (2 pl., 1 yr), has beautiful flowers that fade badly; amost no bloom after the first display. Burt, Mass. (2 pl., 2 yr.), calls it beautiful but stingy, much like Foote, Mass, who had a few very fine blooms in its second year. Piester, Conn., (5 pl., 3 yr.), reports it best in June. He had 4-ft growth and some black-spot. Allen, N.T., (5 pl., 2 yr.), says color varies greatly with the season. England, D.C., has one plant in full sun and likes it well enough to get more. Kirk, Va., (18 pl., 2 & 3 yr.), finds it very active and free in the spring. To him it is a superb flower susceptible to black-spot. The plant defoliates and becomes relatively inactive in the fall. Slight fragrance. Reed Va., (3 pl., 1 yr.), likes the color and form of the bloom and finds some fragrance. The plants were completely defoliated by black-spot in August. Murphy, N.C., (23 pl., 1 yr.), reports tall awkward plants with scant foliage. He likes the flowers which he says are not fragrant. Knoxville Rose Society, Tenn., (1 pl., 1 yr), finds the flowers very sweet and the plants good. Zundell, Ohio, (1 pl., 1 yr.), curtly says "no good". Pfister, Ill. (1 pl., 1 yr.), finds it very good with color holding. Edwards Iowa, likes its first year's performance, but to McMath Mo., (1 pl., 1 yr.), it is just another red rose. Horsley, Wyo. (3pl., 1 yr.), reports a lack of vigor with inferior bloom. At Breeze Hill (6 pl., 3 yr.), the quick fading of the flowers and uncertain plants are against this rose which we want to like. It is fragrant.
Website/Catalog  (1942)  Includes photo(s).
Dr. T. Allen Kirk
(obt. Ch. Mallerin)
(Ed. Ets A. Mailland) 1939

On retrouve toute la Science au service de l’Art, la savante technique du Progrès, dans ses formes et son parfum, comme dans la parfaite harmonie de sa personnalité. L’autorité incontestée de son parrain, Président de l’American Rose Society, nous fait comprendre l’attrait nouveau de cette Rose Francaise chez nos Amis d’Amerique. - Le rouge capucine, teinté de corail, accuse advantage à l’automne, est d’une grande ténacité jusq’à la défloraison. Au cours de l’épanouissement, les tons des petales s’atténuent vers leur extrémité en maintenant le centre très coloré. Pleine, grande, d’une forme bien enroulée sur un pédoncule élancé. Le rosier s’érige en un feuillage resistant bien aux maladies. – De la distintion!
Magazine  (Feb 1940)  Page(s) 15.  
Nouveautés 1939 ....
M. Charles MALLERIN, à Varces, par Pont-de-Claix (Isère). Editeur : MEILLAND, à Tassin (Rhône)
Doctor T. Allen Kirk. — Rouge capucine, teinté de corail, accusé davantage à l'automne, d'une parfaite ténacité jusqu'à la défloraison. Au cours de l'épanouissement, les tons des pétales s'atténuent vers leur extrémité en maintenant le centre très ecloré. Pleine, grande, ferme et parfumée, son bouton présente un virouge profond vigoureux, dans une forme bien enroulée sur un pédoncule élancé. Le rosier s'érige en un feuillage résistant bien aux maladies. En fleurs coupées, c'est une rose de grande allure; au forçage, elle assure toutes les qualités requises.
Book  (1940)  
p195. Proof of the Pudding.
'Dr. Kirk'. HT. Red (Mallerin '40) ARA '40. Hamilton N.C., (16 pl., 1 yr.), calls it sensational, and says it gives every promise of measuring up to the great rose name it bears. At Breeze Hill our plants have made moderate growth, are healthy, and bloomed fairly well, producing long slender buds of a coppery brick color which were very lovely but the color of the open flower was a bluish pink shade which was not very pleasing. We are anxious to see this rose another year.

p248. New Roses of All the World.
'Dr. Kirk' HT (C. Mallerin, 1940). Bud large, long-pointed; flower very large, double, high-centered, unusually lasting, slightly fragrant, coral, shaded nasturtium-yellow, on long stem. Foliage leathery, dark green. Vigorous, upright; free, intermittent bloomer.
Book  (1940)  Page(s) 67.  
R. Marion Hatton. New Roses in America.
Mallerin's offering is 'Dr. Kirk', named for the retiring President of the American Rose Society. The buds are lovely, long, slender things of coppery brick, this pigment disappearing as the flowers unfold, leaving a basic bluish pink tone which is a far cry from the attractive bud. It has 25 petals and a somewhat cactus form when fully open. There is a mild fragrance. Growth was fair and blooms generous. Like 'Eclipse', it will be wanted for the buds.
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