'Duchesse of Caylus' rose References
Article (magazine) (Dec 1951) Page(s) 208. Duchesse of Caylus Hybrid Perpetual. E. Verdier 1864. Description... light crimson... A good item for an old collection...
Book (1936) Page(s) 135. de Caylus, Duch. (HP) C. Verdier 1864; Alf. Colomb X ?; vivid carmine-pink, small to medium, double, globular, dense foliage, growth 5/10. = [similar to] Pénélope Mayo. Sangerhausen.
Book (1910) Page(s) 192, 283. Duchesse de Caylus among the best roses of the 1860s... Hybrid Perpetual; flowers brilliant carmine, large, full, and of perfect form, growth moderate.
Book (1899) Page(s) 54. Duchesse de Caylus, HR, V. Verdier, 1869, carmin, syn. Pénélope Mayo
Website/Catalog (1899) Page(s) 18. New Roses and Roses of Special Merit. Duchess de Caylus—Hybrid Perpetual. Extra large flowers, very double, full, perfect form, very fragrant; color, rich cherry red, sometimes brilliant crimson, delicately tinged with scarlet; very fine.
Website/Catalog (1894) Page(s) 175. Hybrid Perpetual Roses. Duchesse de Caylus Brilliant carmine, large, full, and of perfect form; foliage very rich and fine; one of the best.
Magazine (1889) Page(s) 283. The following Roses bracketed together have been regarded as synonymous, according to the rule adopted by the National Rose Society; and the name standing first in each case, being believed to be the original name, is considered for the purpose of the preceding Digest as the ruling name of the Rose. (Duchesse de Caylus (Penelope Mayo
Website/Catalog (1888) Page(s) 76. Hardy Roses. Remontant or Hybrid Perpetual. These bloom abundantly in June, and again moderately in Autumn, while a few varieties bloom freely during the Summer. For general culture they are the most desirable. Price, 35 cents each. Ten or more varieties, our choice, $3.00 per 10. Duchesse de Caylus... Scarlet crimson, perfect form.
Book (1885) Page(s) 34. TRIBE ROSEÆ. ROSA, Linn.; Rose. Garden Varieties— Duchesse de Caylus; hybrid perpetual. Plant in Brisbane Botanic Garden.
Book (1882) Page(s) 10. Duchesse de Caylus... Variété à cultiver pour les Expositions de fleurs. Hybride Perpétuel. C. Verdier. 1864 Cramoisi vif. Fleur grande. Plante moyenne.