'Apricot Gem' rose References
Book (19 Apr 2000) Page(s) 19. Apricot Gem, F, ab, 1978; Delbard-Chabert
Book (2000) Page(s) 88. Includes photo(s). ‘Apricot Gem’ = Floribunda – tons abricot, remontant. Ce petit rosier n’a pas été enregistré dès sa mise en vente et n’a jamais été cultivé qu’en quantités limitées… rose abricot vif, bien doubles et solides… en bouquets... Sensible aux maladies, il réclame des soins tout au long de la saison pour rester présentable et fleurir à foison. C’est en climat chaud et sec qu’il se comporte le mieux; le froid et l’humidité le fragilisent, et pourtant c’est à la fraîcheur que ses fleurs se colorent le mieux. Delbard et Chabert, France, 1978. Ascendance inconnue.
Book (1999) Page(s) 88. Apricot Gem. Modern, cluster-flowered/floribunda, apricot blend, repeat-flowering. This small-growing rose was not registered when it was first released and has only been grown in..Strong double apricot flowers are borne in clusters that cover the bush...height at maturity is low...ideal as a bush for a patio or edge of a bed...poor resistance to disease...does best in warm dry conditions...not strong in cold damp climates...ZONES 5-9...Delbard and Chabert, France, 1978, parentage unknown.
Book (1977) Page(s) 86. Roy and Heather Rumsey, NSW. New Roses. Apricot Gem Floribunda. (Delbard). This must be rated an outstanding variety. Apricot buds that open to approximately 7.5 cm blooms of around 30 petals, and are most attractive. Naturally clusters are not really large but the bush becomes a glorious sight. Plants are good and enhance the lovely flowers. Well spoken for wherever it is known and it should be well received here in Australia. The raiser has now given us some very good colours but we do wish that mildew resistance would be improved.