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'Duc de Constantine' rose References
Book  (Dec 2000)  Page(s) 483.  
Duc de Constantine
Hybrid Perpetual
Soupert [Jean] & Notting [Pierre] (Luxembourg) [with Schmitt] 1857
Book  (Apr 1999)  Page(s) 561.  
Page 502: Duc de Constantine
Hybrid Perpetual
Soupert & Notting/Schmitt, 1857
... Bright lilac-y pink... satiny pink... bright pink, center lighter... Evidently has some Arvensis or Multiflora heritage...
Page 561: Duc de Constantine Hybrid Perpetual. Soupert & Notting 1857
Book  (1936)  Page(s) 170.  
de Constantine, Duc (multiflora, Ayrshire) Soup. & Nott. 1857; glossy atlas-pink, large, double, cup form, floriferous, free-blooming, growth 9/10, climbing. Sangerhausen
Book  (1930)  Page(s) 395.  
2058. Duc de Constantine (Soupert & Notting 1857.) A chance seedling. 8-10 cm, double, soft light pink, fragrant. Vigorous and hardy, blooms as one of the earliest in June. Suitable for pyramids, espaliers and covering walls.
Magazine  (Jun 1929)  Page(s) 74.  
Rosa arvensis .... Duc de Conslantine (Soupert & Notting, 1857), fleur grande, pleine, en coupe, rose lilacé vif.
Book  (1924)  Page(s) 100.  
Another old sort of this race [R. sempervirens] is Duc de Constantine with large, lightly filled blooms in tantalizing silky pink, which Expresses itself best in a dark environment. She belongs to the section of the park which is more cared for.
Book  (1912)  Page(s) 130.  
Rosa arvensis...
Duc de Constantine, Soupert et Notting 1857; Rose lilacé vif.- fl. très grande, pleine, en coupe; assez vig.
Magazine  (1909)  Page(s) 70-71.  
[From the speech "Über Verwendung, Pflege und Neuzüchtung der Rosen" (On the use, care and breeding of roses) by H. Kiese]
For hardy pyramids to be recommended are Rosa californica "Theano", pink double, the Rugosa-rose Conrad Ferdinand Meyer, the older Hungarian climbers, as Erinnerung an Brod, dark slate-coloured, Ännchen von Tharau, pink, Himmelsauge, dark red, Gruss an Wien, bright red, Duc de Constantine, pink, Philadelphia Rambler, carmine-red.
Website/Catalog  (1907)  Page(s) 13.  
Duc de Constantine (Soupert & Notting 1857 arv.) silky pink, blooms very early and floriferously, large, double....Marks -.40
Book  (1899)  Page(s) 53.  
Duc de Constantine, Ayrshire, Soupert, 1857, rose satiné
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