'Earl Beatty' rose References
Book (1936) Page(s) 57. Beatty, Earl (HT) W. Paul 1923 (Chaplin); dark crimson, medium size, very double, fine form, fragrance 6/10
Magazine (Oct 1927) Page(s) 88. Roses nouvelles de 1923.... Rosiers hybrides de thé .... Earl Beatty (W.-E. Chaplin). - Fleur rouge cramoisi foncé. Parfumée.
Website/Catalog (1926) Page(s) 34. New Roses 1925. Earl Beatty (HT. Chaplin Bros.) .....The colour is not constant, but a few good blooms have been seen this year.
Website/Catalog (1925) Page(s) 26. Earl Beatty (HT) (Chaplin Bros.) Flower deep crimson, sweetly scented; may be styled an improved ‘General MacArthur’. An ideal bedding rose. 4/- each. Very good, but so far not up to ‘General MacArthur’ for growth.
Magazine (1925) Page(s) 6. Earl Beatty, H.T. (W. E. Chaplin).— Strong growth, but " stubby." Blooms are deep crimson, very fragrant, but discolour somewhat when old, and do not keep their shape well. Height 15ins., foliage, large leaves.