'Sultana' rose References
Book (2005) Page(s) 190. location J:II/11a2; K:III/19b, Sultana, Roseraie de l'Hay, Centifolia, pink, medium size, very double, strong fragrance, tall
Book (Mar 1999) Page(s) 100. Sultana Gallica. ('Maxima', 'Regina') Origin and date unknown. Very double, mid-sized, strongly scented blossoms of light pink. A large shrub.
Book (Jul 1998) Page(s) 303. SULTANA. S. Verrier..cites a "Sultana" among Gallicas, having as synonyms "Maxima" and "Regina". This is an error, as the Sangerhausen Rosarium admits, where this variety is classed as China or Centifolia.
Book (1936) Page(s) 602, 686. p. 602: Regina (centifolia) ? ? ; vivid pink. = Maxima
p. 686: Sultana (china) ? ? ; pink. = Maxima; Regina.
Book (1899) Page(s) 153. Regina, centifolia, rose vif, syn. Maxima
Book (1858) Page(s) 145. Rosa centifolia .... Reginae major, large, fine form, vivid light pink, strong fragrance.
Website/Catalog (1842) Page(s) 30. Rosa centifolia regina major, Königinn-Rose .....1 Courant Mark
Rosa centifolia Sultana, Sultanine .....1 Courant mark 12 Schilling
Book (1842) Page(s) 267. There are among others following hybrids and varieties of the Centifolia which excel through the beauty of their double blooms...Reginae major, large, fine form, vivid light pink, strong fragrance
Website/Catalog (1834) Page(s) 31. Rosa centif. regina major Königinn-Rose....1 Courant mark Rosa centifol. Sultana Sultanine....1 Courant mark 12 Schilling
Magazine (1830) Includes photo(s). Rosa Regine