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'Beatrice' rose Reviews & Comments
Discussion id : 121-611
most recent 17 MAY 20 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 17 MAY 20 by Cà Berta
Catalogo Rose Barni Autunno 1997 primavera 1998 pagina 6 with photo
Beatrice cod. 01035 – (Barni 1995) Barbea
Il colore rosa tenue, soffuso di crema, più intenso al centro del fiore, si mantiene quasi inalterato fino alla completa fioritura. I lunghi steli, che si prestano alla raccolta, portano fiori solitari, grandi, doppi, leggermente profumati, di lunga durata anche se recisi. La pianta ha vegetazione eretta e vigorosa, con fogliame di media grandezza. Una rosa, che evoca anche con il nome, un ideale di bellezza e perfezione. Altezza cm. 90/110.

The soft pink color, suffused with cream, more intense in the center of the flower, remains almost unchanged until complete flowering. The long stems, which lend themselves to collection, carry solitary, large, double, slightly fragrant flowers, long lasting even if cut. The plant has erect and vigorous vegetation, with medium-sized foliage. A rose, which also evokes the name, an ideal of beauty and perfection. Height cm. 90/110.
Reply #1 of 3 posted 17 MAY 20 by Patricia Routley
Do you have a problem in adding references Bruna? We do have the publication Catalogo Rose Barni listed.
Reply #2 of 3 posted 17 MAY 20 by Cà Berta
I do not have the "Upload reference" button ... Sorry sorry , my mistake .. I did not realize the track i had to follow to load reference. Thank you
Reply #3 of 3 posted 17 MAY 20 by Patricia Routley
That is quite all right. When you haven’t done something for a good while, one forgets the process sometimes.
Discussion id : 14-139
most recent 10 NOV 06 SHOW ALL
Initial post 21 SEP 06 by Patty
Where can I find a Beatrice rose to purchase?
Reply #1 of 1 posted 10 NOV 06 by Cass
Under the tab marked Buy From, you can see that the only seller HMF knows about is Rose Barni, Italy. Rose Barni's website is
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