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'Angela ®' rose References
Magazine  (2015)  Page(s) Vol 37, No. 3.  
p34  Sue Zwar.  Italy - A Pre-conference Tour. 
Those of us lucky enough to be part of the rose conference in Japan, where the unforgettable Angela's bright pink cupped blooms graced so many archways and trellises, were happy to see it again in Maresa's [Del Bufalo] garden [near Rome].

p38. ibid.  Friday was a day of travel - from Tuscany to Milan - with one fascinating garden on the way, that of Castella di Quistini's rose garden.   ....a climber called 'Koala'.  A row of the lovely  Angela with a similar growth habit but with bright pink blooms, was nearby. 
Magazine  (2012)  Page(s) Vol 34, No. 3.  Includes photo(s).
p29.  Sue Zwar.  12th International Heritage Rose Conference, Sakura, 2012. 
....From there we were taken to the Keisei Rose Garden & Nursery....while the  piece de resistance was Angela, a large archway of solid pink from top to bottom (photo above, with 'Lavender Dream'). 

p55.  Sue Zwar.  12th International Heritage Rose Conference and the Post-Conference Tour.
....We were taken to the Akao Herb and Rose Garden on the outskirts of Atami City.....'Sally Holmes' formed a tall pillar and the signature rose that we came across in so many places - Angela - formed a bright splash of pink on much of the trellising. 
Book  (Feb 2009)  Page(s) 224.  
‘Angela’/KORday/’Angelica’: Parents: ‘Yesterday’ x ‘Peter Frankenland’. Obtenteur: Kordes, 1984… mignonnes petites coupes profondes et bien arrondies. En dépit de leurs revers un peu plus vifs, leur tonalité générale demeure un beau rose lilas brillant, un peu argenté, qui s’éclaircit légèrement à la fanaison… L’arbuste, plein de puissance et de santé, prend une allure souple, et a même tendance à s’étaler. Il est amplement couvert d’un feuillage large, sombre et mat, indemne de maladies...
Book  (2008)  Page(s) 64-65.  Includes photo(s).
Reimer Kordes, 'Angela ®' (1984) ADR-Rose 1982. ...repeating shrub rose...loosely filled blooms in deep old pink bloom almost without interruptions all summer...very robust...very suitable for smaller gardens. Very hardy...100 cm high and 80 cm wide.
Book  (2000)  Page(s) 81.  Includes photo(s).
‘Angela’/KORday/’Angelica’ = Arbuste – rose intense, remontant. Buissonnant et vigoureux… grandes bouquets de fleurs en coupe, simples à semi-doubles, rose intense irisé de rose clair, surtout au cœur de la corolle, et légèrement odorantes… feuillage vert brillant, et les rameaux ployant sous leur poids donnent au rosier un port souple… Kordes, Allemagne, 1984.
Website/Catalog  (31 Dec 1998)  Page(s) 16.  Includes photo(s).
Book  (Dec 1998)  Page(s) 81.  Includes photo(s).
Angela (KORday, 'Angelica') Modern Shrub. Kordes (Germany) 1984... deep rose pink in color with highlights of light pink, especially in the center of the blooms...
Book  (Mar 1995)  Page(s) 137.  Includes photo(s).
Angelica (KORday, 'Angela') Kordes (Germany) 1984. Shrub. Description... completely healthy, winter hardy, and almost never off bloom... 'Angelica' is not patented in the United States, and anyone who wants one will find it easy to grow from cuttings and very happy on its own roots... rich, pure pink, shading to white at its center, with a lighter reverse... In Japan, it is sold as a climber...
Book  (Apr 1993)  Page(s) 18.  
Angelica Floribunda, deep pink, 1984, (KORday; 'Angela®'); 'Yesterday' x 'Peter Frankenfeld'; Kordes. Description.
Magazine  (1990)  Page(s) 76.  
La rose A.J.H. 1990, “Angela” (obtenteur Kordes Sohne), est éditée en France par Paul Pekmez. C'est un rosier arbustif de 1 m à 1,20 m de hauteur, aux fleurs rose pur en forme de roses anciennes, avec une dizaine de pétales. La plante est d'une très grande résistance aux maladies.
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