'Emily Laxton' rose References
Book (Jun 1992) Page(s) 164. Emily Laxton Hybrid Perpetual. Laxton/G. Paul 1876. Seedling of 'Jules Margottin' (Hybrid Perpetual)... rich cherry-rose... Light pink...
Book (1990) Page(s) 95. Includes photo(s). Emily Laxton Hybrid Perpetual Laxton (1878) A seedling from 'Jules Margottin' ... bright red and pink... Remontant...
Book (1936) Page(s) 406. Laxton, Emily (HP) Laxton 1878; J. Margottin X ? ; cherry-red to pink, large, double, globular, fine form, solitary or up to 3, floriferous, repeats, many prickles, growth 7/10, upright, 1 m., Sangerhausen
Book (1902) Page(s) 128. Hybrides Remontants. Groupe F. — Jules Margottin Arbustes d'une vigueur extraordinaire, très résistants aux froids. Rameaux droits, armés de nombreux aiguillons gros et crochus; feuillage ample, folioles oblongues dentelées; floraison abondante, le plus souvent en corymbe, le bouton entouré de sépales foliacés, verts, longs et dentelés, fleurs variant du rose au rouge vif, sans coloris foncés, fruits très allonges, rappelant ceux du R. de Damas, dont ce groupe est probablement issu. 4205. Emily Laxton... (Laxton 1878)... rose clair.
Website/Catalog (1894) Page(s) 175. Hybrid Perpetual Roses. Emily Laxton Rich cherry rose; large, full, and fine, globular form.
Book (1885) Page(s) 34. TRIBE ROSEÆ. ROSA, Linn.; Rose. Garden Varieties— Emily Laxton; hybrid perpetual. Plant in Acclimatisation Society's Grounds, Bowen Park and in Brisbane Botanic Garden.
Book (1882) Page(s) 11. Emily Laxton... Variété à cultiver pour les Expositions de fleurs. Hybride Perpétuel. Laxton. 1877 Rose cerise. Fleur grande. Plante vigoureuse.
Magazine (1880) Page(s) 324. CROSS-FERTILIZING AND RAISING ROSES FROM SEED IN ENGLAND BY T. T. LAXTON, BEDFORD, ENG. ... In 1869 I raised H.P.'s Mrs. Laxton, probably from Mme. Victor Verdier, Charles Darwin from Madame Julie Daran, this being the dark H.P., Rose of Bourbon blood par excellence, of which I sowed the seed in that year, and Emily Laxton perhaps from Abel Grande.
Magazine (4 Sep 1875) Page(s) 201. English Raised Roses. It may be worthy of remark that nearly all the English Roses, raised by Messrs. Turner, Paul, Laxton, Cranston, and a few others, have proved exceedingly good, and may be depended upon. The following English-raised Roses are said to be good; but, as I have not yet seen blooms of them, I cannot speak positively as to their merits: Emily Laxton (Laxton).—Hybrid Perpetual. A grand Rose, similar in form and build to Monsieur Noman, but deeper in colour.