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'Arthur Oger' rose References
Book  (1936)  Page(s) 522.  
Oger, Arthur (HP) Oger 1875; Gl. de Ducher X ? ; bright velvety dark purple, very large, double, fine form, solitary, growth 7/10.
Book  (1902)  Page(s) 113.  
Hybrides Remontants. Groupe C. — Géant des Batailles
Arbuste rustique, florifère et très remontant, à rameaux bruns, droits, aiguillons nombreux; feuillage petit, peu ample, très sujet à l'oïdium et aux maladies cryptogamiques, folioles assez rapprochées sur le pétiole commun; fleur en coupe, petite, rouge écarlate ou rouge très foncé; fruit petit, ovoïde, longuement atténué à la base.
3489. Arthur Oger... (Oger 1875)... pourpre velouté.
Book  (1899)  Page(s) 14.  
Arthur Oger, HR, Oger, 1875, pourpre velouté
Book  (1882)  Page(s) 3.  
Arthur Oger... Hybride Perpétuel. Oger. 1874 Rouge pourpre. Fleur grande. Plante vigoureuse.
Book  (1880)  Page(s) Annex, p. 12.  
hybrid perpetual, Arthur Oger (Oger, 1875), bright dark velvety purple-red, very large, double, seedling of "Gloire de Ducher".
Magazine  (9 Sep 1876)  Page(s) 260.  
The New Roses of 1874-75. By William Paul.
In the autumn of 1874 no fewer than seventy varieties of new Roses were announced by French rosarians. As I have seen the greater part of these varieties in flower, either in the grounds of the raisers or in my own nurseries, I have thought it may be of some service to intending purchasers to give a brief description of such as have pleased me best, or have been recommended to me by those in whose judgment I have reason to confide. And first of the Hybrid Perpetuals...
Arthur Oger is one of those deep velvety, purplish-crimson Roses in the Gloire de Ducher style; the flowers are very large and full.
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