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'Autumn Tints' rose References
Book  (Apr 1999)  Page(s) 459.  
Auntumn Tints Pernetiana. B.R. Cant 1914. The author cites information from different sources... Copper red and yellow...
Book  (1936)  Page(s) 44.  
Autumn Tints (hybrid lutea) B. Cant 1914; coppery red, shaded orange-yellow and salmon-red, medium size, floriferous, growth 6/10, well-branched, bushy. Sangerhausen
Website/Catalog  (1928)  Page(s) 10.  
Autumn Tints coppery red, shaded with orange and salmon; medium-size flowers, produced in great profusion. G. Vig. 
Website/Catalog  (1923)  Page(s) 23.  
Hybrid Tea Roses .... Autumn Tints (Cant, 1914). Copppery with salmon.
Website/Catalog  (1921)  Page(s) 7.  
Autumn Tints, coppery red shaded with orange and salmon; class: Hybrid Tea; habit of growth: vigorous.
Magazine  (Jun 1920)  Page(s) 140.  
AUTUMN TINTS. - (B.-R. Cant et Sons), Rouge cuivré teinté d'orange et de saumon, variété très florifère.
Website/Catalog  (1914)  Page(s) 4.  
New Roses of other Raisers, 1914. The descriptions are those of the Raisers.
Hybrid Tea.
Autumn Tints (B. R. Cant & Sons). -- Coppery red shaded with orange and salmon, medium size flowers produced in great profusion throughout the summer and autumn; the growth is strong and branching, and the foliage a rich bronzy-green, not liable to mildew. An exceedingly attractive bedding and decorative variety of similar colouring to Mad. Edouard Herriot. 5/- each.
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