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'Rotkäppchen' rose References
Article (magazine)  (2011)  Page(s) 118.  
Questionable rose identities: We do not recognize following rose cultivars of Rudolf Geschwind as corresponding to the historical descriptions:....'Rotkäppchen' - Bourbon or hybrid polyantha, 1887....
Website/Catalog  (1939)  Page(s) 85.  
Rosiers Polyantha remontants nains. (Dits Multiflores.) ... Chaperon rouge Coloris rouge cerise.
Book  (1936)  Page(s) 626.  
Rotkäppchen (bourbon or hybrid polyantha) Geschwind 1887; vivid carmine-red, large, double, cluster-flowered, growth 5/10, bushy. Sangerhausen
Book  (1906)  Page(s) 149.  
9.645. Rothkaepchen, Ile-Bourbon, Geschwindt 1887 rouge vif
Book  (1902)  Page(s) 63.  
Hybrides de Polyantha....
1070. Rotkappchen (Geschwindt 1889) rouge vif
Book  (1899)  Page(s) 158.  
Roth Kaepfchen, polyantha, Geschw., 1887, rouge vif
Website/Catalog  (1893)  Page(s) 113.  
Rosiers nouveaux pour 1889.
Rosa multiflora.- Rosiers multiflores nains.
Rotkäppchen (Geschwind): Fl. rouge carmin vif, petite, pleine. Arb. nain, issu de 'Mignonnette'.
Book  (1892)  Page(s) 200.  
Rosa polyantha...Rotkäppchen (Geschwind 1889), vivid carmine-red, small, double. Weak plant; descends from 'Mignonnette'. Up to now the darkest polyantha.
Book  (1889)  Page(s) 196.  
Hungarian roses of 1888 from Head forester Geschwind in Karpfen. Polyantha. Rotkäppchen. Repeat-flowering short polyantha variety. Habit, wood, prickles like Mignonette, from which she descends, bloom form and colour like Paxton, bright carmine-red. Bloom size varies between the size of 'Max Singer' and of 'Mignonette'. Floriferous, effectful variety with a future. The darkest Polyantha variety up to now, where useable for all purposes.
Magazine  (1888)  Page(s) 30.  
Something about new roses for 1888.
We have just received an excerpt of the catalogue of novelties of the company Gebrüder Schultheis, Steinfurth. ...gradually Austria-Hungary is also coming up with new roses, namely from Mr. Rudolf Geschwind in Karpfen, about whose climbers which were commercialized two years ago not much has become known to the public. This time it is:
....Polyantha roses.
3) Rotkäppchen. Colouring bright carmine-red.
......Gebr. Schultheis has taken on the sole distribturship for abovementioned varieties.
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