'El Capitan' rose References
Book (Apr 1993) Page(s) 153. El Capitan. Grandiflora, medium red, 1959, 'Charlotte Armstrong' x 'Floradora'; Swim. Description.
Book (1988) Page(s) 134 - 135. Includes photo(s). Description
Book (1968) Page(s) 140. G. Dawson, Ferntree Gully, Victoria. A Comparison. In 1959 a rose called 'El Capitan' ('Charlotte Armstrong' x 'Floradora'), raised by H. Swim was introduced into Australia in a quiet way without much publicity. A year later 'Super Star' was available here for the first time and was heralded as the rose of the century with many superlative adjectives. I grow both of these varieties for cut flowers and can make an interesting comparison. Without doubt 'Super Star' is the most admired rose in my garden. It is everything that has ever been said about it, and a great deal more that has not been said about it. We were never told that it was almost impossible to keep it clean from mildew and that it has an ugly sprawling habit of growth, covered with as many "super" sharp thorns as it is possible to fit on to its stems. I never cut flowers from these bushes without losing either flesh or clothing. 'Super Star' starts to bloom in the Spring after most other cultivars have finished their first crop, and it is one of the first to stop in the Autumn. Many of the early Spring blooms are malformed and not worth picking. In contrast, 'El Capitan' begins blooming early about three to four weeks before 'Super Star', and continues to flower until late Autumn, producing at least four times more flowers in a season than 'Super Star'. 'El Capitan's blooms are produced on long stems which are almost thornless. A bush of 'El Capitan' is a thing of beauty, being very upright in growth and covered with its disease-free shining dark green foliage. Despite the eye-catching colour of 'Super Star,' I am unable to satisfy the great demand for 'El Capitan' as a cut flower. It is amazing to me that such a masterpiece as 'El Capitan' could hold its place in nursery catalogues for only a few short years, yet 'Super Star' with its many faults is rated so highly.....
Book (1961) Page(s) 19. Roy and Heather Rumsey, NSW. New Roses. El Capitan HT. A most attractive plant, with reddish stems and dark green foliage. Masses of velvet-crimson semi-double blooms, well held on strong wiry stems. An extra good variety with very few thorns. The blooms last for a long time when cut, and stems 2 feet long were quite common.
Website/Catalog (1961) Page(s) 1. Novelty Roses 1961. El Capitan HT. (Armstrong Nurseries). This bright red, vigorous growing rose makes an ideal garden subject and is up to exhibition standard. Freely produced on long stems with healthy foliage, it should be a must for every garden. 15/- each.
Book (1960) Page(s) 154. Show Awards and Trial Ground Awards 1959. Trial Ground Certificate El Capitan (flori). Trial Ground No. 1728. Reg. U.S.A. Raiser: Armstrong Nurseries U.S.A. 'Charlotte Armstrong' x 'Floradora'. Growth vigorous and branching with plentiful mid-green foliage 17. Freedom from disease 15. Blooms large and full, 4 to 5 inches across (39 petals), Crimson No. 22, self colour without shading 15. Freedom of flowering 16. General effect 5. Fragrance 3.