'Vainqueur' rose References
Book (Apr 1993) Page(s) 620. Vainqueur Hybrid Tea, velvety purple, reverse dark red, 1937, 'Sensation' seedling; Heizmann, E. Description.
Website/Catalog (1960) Page(s) 17. VAINQUEUR (Heizmann 1937). Rouge sang retouché cramoisi. O[dorante].
[no longer listed in 1975]
Book (1958) Page(s) 412. Vainqueur. HT. (E. Heizmann; int. A. Meilland, '37.) Sensation seedling. Bud ovoid, dark red; fl. very large, very dbl., fragrant, velvety purple, reverse dark red; long, strong stem. Fol. bright green. Very vig.
Book (1947) Page(s) 252. Vainqueur (H.T.) produces from full, well rounded buds huge double flowers of deep blood-red touched with purple, upon long stems and vigorous and erect plants with bright green foliage. Heizmann 1937...Very fragrant...June-September. Hardy.
Website/Catalog (1946) Page(s) 25. VAINQUEUR (Heizmann 1937). Fleur rouge sang foncé retouché cramoisi. Arbuste vigoureux à feuillage sain.
Book (1944) Page(s) 68. Terry Honeybun. Victoria. Vainqueur: Has surely been overlooked, as it is such a good grower and a fine shaped flower; quite full.
Book (1944) Page(s) 68. Terry Honeybun. Victoria. Vainqueur: Has surely been overlooked, as it is such a good grower and a fine shaped flower; quite full.
Book (1940) Page(s) 103. S. R. Bird. Roses and Shows in New Zealand. Vainquer is already vanquished, as it purples almost while you watch it. "Why was I born so purple, why was I born at all?" as the popular song aptly puts it, except for the word purple.
Magazine (Apr 1939) Page(s) 10. Vainqueur était indubitablement la plus belle rose de l'Hay en juin dernier. Un pied dans un pot de 9 pouces (1 pouce = 25 mm.) installé sur mon balcon, résista d'une façon splendide au printemps et en été et il charma les visiteurs de mon jardin en 1938.
Book (1939) p19. Harry H. Hazlewood. The New Roses of 1939. Vainqueur HT. (Heizman, 1937) shows poor colour value and permanence.
p109. Mr Allen A. Brundrett. A Review of the New Roses in Victoria Vainqueur, H.T. (Heizmann).-A promising red garden Rose, 35: to 50 large broad petals. Hardy growth and sweet scented. The colour somewhat resembles " Southport."
p119. Mr. C. W. Heers. Roses in Queensland on a limited acquaintance... Vainqueur, H.T. Although described as a dark blood-red, its colour here is about that of Laurent Carle. The flowers are full, but not extra large, and are produced on rigid stems. Free flowering, and appears to have good growth.