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Twin Cities June 2011
Uploaded 18 JUN 11 |
May 2, 2010, in Charleston, West Virginia
12 favorite votes.
Uploaded 2 MAY 10 |
May 2, 2010, in Charleston, West Virginia
1 favorite vote.
Uploaded 2 MAY 10 |
Rose photo courtesy of Don H
R15 OP (probably self) seeds courtesy of Peter Harris. Scale of grid is 1 cm / 0.2 cm. |
May 2, 2010, in Charleston, West Virginia
Uploaded 2 MAY 10 |
Charleston, West Virginia, July 25, 2008 |
May 2, 2010, in Charleston, West Virginia
1 favorite vote.
Uploaded 2 MAY 10 |
A typical spring display. Photo taken May 2, 2003, in Charleston, West Virginia. |
C - Member Comments | I - Accuracy Questioned | R - Member Ratings | V - Member Favorite |