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'Nigger Boy' rose References
Book  (1999)  Page(s) 31.  
‘Nigger Boy’ George Knight. 1933. Large Flowered Bush rose, double, very fragrant, dark, velvety blackish maroon flowers. No longer available.
Newsletter  (1995)  Page(s) 19. Vol 4, No. 4.  
‘Nigger Boy’. HT. 1933. G. Knight & Sons. Hadley x Yves Druhen.
Book  (Apr 1993)  Page(s) 411.  
Nigger Boy Hybrid Tea, very dark velvety blackish maroon, 1933, 'Hadley' x 'Yves Druhen'; Knight, G...
Book  (1988)  Page(s) 79.  
Dr. A. S. Thomas. .....’Black Boy’ sold well in the U.S.A., but ‘Nigger Boy’ by another Australian hybridist, caused racial riots!
Book  (1968)  Page(s) 113.  
Mr. Clifford R. Knight [awarded the] T. A. Stewart Memorial Award, 1967 .... his best known registered seedlings include ‘Nigger Boy’....
Website/Catalog  (1954)  
p18 I could go ahead and sell you as few plants as the other fellow and you would not know the difference. Here is a little story. Years ago I got ‘Nigger Boy ‘ from England where they got it from Australia. It had been knocked as well as kicked around by the “Eggsperts” and was in the process of being forgotten. I had seen what a mass of it could do in the nursery that after trying to sell it for a couple of years letting the eggsperts do the judging. Then I started refusing to sell less than six. It took a few years, but during that time I was the only nurseryman selling it. It brought ‘Nigger Boy’ to the top. As proof, go back several years and see the popularity rating of the American Rose Society. Remember that six of a kind or more brought it to the attention of the rose public with proof of its value.

p19 ‘Nigger Boy’. For years an intensive search has been carried on for the perfect polyantha, designed to be used as a border rose or a rose for massing; cluster flowered, extremely heavy blooming rose, preferably of compact growth, with completely healthy foliage. A plant so foolproof it could be planted in beds or masses to bloom continuously with an absolutely minimum of spraying, shearing or grooming. Nigger has perfect buds as well as blooms. Hybridizers all over the world, especially Kordes in Germany, and Poulsen in Denmark, searched and worked continually for the perfect polyantha. A great flood, many of them patented, have come on the market recently, ranging all the way from terrible to good. Large blooms were particularly striven for. While the flood of new polyanthas has been deluging the rose buying world, ‘Nigger Boy’ was quietly produced in Australia in 1931 and released in 1933. This remarkable rose is NOT a polyantha in lineage, but a H.T. It is a freak mutation in hybrid teas with every polyantha quality. It came forth unheralded ....
‘Nigger Boy’ – This remarkable rose has a low, compact, densely foliaged plant 18 to 20 inches high, and as much through. This perfectly healthy plant is covered continually with masses of brilliant crimson blooms. Please do not order less than six of a kind and save extra correspondence, for even though the blooms are like smaller Crimson Glories, you cannot judge from single plants. Six for $7.50.

p38 As an example of what happens was with the Rose ‘Nigger Boy’ look back in the Proof of the Pudding of the American Rose society years ago and see what a beating it took. “They” the EGGSPERTS, actually put it out of commerce. Then I took a hand and did not allow these wise people to buy less than six, because for years I was the only seller in the U.S.A. After the influence of these quickie “Eggsperts” had worn off and I had handled it as it should be, its score went up to 8.9.
Website/Catalog  (1953)  Page(s) 23.  
Nigger Boy. HT. (Knight, 1933). Fragrant. Habit 2. Richly fragrant, very dark crimson blooms of good form borne on rather low healthy growth, making it ideal for a front row or border.
Book  (1952)  
p58 Dr. A. S. Thomas. Red Roses. ....Very few people have yet seen Floribunda roses grown in masses. One needs to see them to realise their value. This new group of roses contains a great number of red varieties, but space does not permit more than the mere naming of a few: Margraten, Alain, Red Pinocchio, Chatter, Our Princess, Nigger Boy, Dusky Maiden....

p141 Dr. A. S. Thomas. A Victorian View of the New Roses. ‘Chatter’. Another large-flowered bright crimson Floribunda. Alain, Chatter, Margraten and Our Princess are all great new roses of this type, and in almost the same shade of red – brighter than Anne Mette Poulsen and not as dark as ‘Nigger Boy’.
Book  (1950)  Page(s) 104.  
Mr. Harry H. Hazlewood. Registration Babel. ....In 1933 Mr. G. Knight of Homebush, New South Wales, raised a variety which he called ‘Nigger Boy’. In this country the name conveys no slur or sense of inferiority, yet when listed in America it raised a storm of protest from parsons and organisations opposed to racial prejudice. The opposition in some quarters was so intense that newspapers and periodicals will not publish any reference to the name no matter what distinction the rose may have achieved.
Book  (1947)  Page(s) 229.  
Proof of the Pudding. ‘Nigger Boy’. HT or H Pol. Red. (G. Knight ’33). ARA ’32; PP ’43-46
Ga. Coolidge (6-3, B). Some blackspot but a good grower and bloomer.
La. Cropley (3-4, A) Adding 12 more plants; a real spot of color in the border.
Mass. Greenlaw (8-1, B) A lovely, miniature ‘Crimson Glory’; profuse spring bloom, spasmodic after that; rather rangy.
Mont. Waters (3-1, A) Satisfactory red and slightly fragrant floribunda; this is a must-have in the reds.
Ohio. Bach (6-3, B) A good red polyantha but it blackspots.
Ohio. Lowmiller (1-1 B) Large June bloom, which continues well into fall; foliage strong; medium grower; flowers beautiful dark crimson, rather small, but many of them.
Ohio: Shepherd (3-3 C). P of P gave this a higher rating than I can.
Pa. Reinbold (3-3, A). The best low-growing, consistent-blooming red rose I have seen.
Pa. Seibert (2-3, A) One of the best; tops in every way – growth, bloom, color and fragrance.
S.C. Wine (21-3, A) Still my most outstanding rose; it grows and blooms all the time.
Utah. Barnes (1-1, A) Delighted with this remontant dark red.
Va. Anderson (8-4, A) A great polyantha; beautiful colour.
National rating 8.9
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