'Nokomis' rose References
Book (2018) Page(s) 199. Nokomis ....Vernon Brown and Dan Russo, specialists on Walsh roses, have discovered several plants around Cape Cod near where Walsh did his work that they believe to be 'Nokomis'. Vernon Brown has described them: "I have found three plants so far. The flowers open flat with about two rows of petals of pinkish lavender fading to lavender. The habit is typical wichurana, which is procumbent unless encouraged to climb by providing support." Hopefully, this identification will prove to be correct.
Book (2007) Page(s) 359. Nokomis, HWich, dp, 1918, [R. wichurana x Comte Raimbaud], Walsh ... description
Book (Apr 1999) Page(s) 564. Nokomis Wichurana. Michael H. Walsh 1918
Book (1943) p23 R. Marion Hatton. The Walsh Ramblers. Two of the finest of the double-flowered group are.... and 'Nokomis' whose rose-pink flowers are somewhat larger than those of the better known 'Lady Gay' (virtually identical with 'Dorothv Perkins'), and are delightfully fragrant.
p24 'Nokomis'. 1918. HP. [?] R. Wichuraiana x 'Comte de Raimbaud'. Double. Danae rose-pink; larger than 'Lady Gay'. Very fragrant.
Book (1936) Page(s) 516. Nokomis (hybrid wichurana) Walsh 1918; R. Wich. X Comte de Raimbaud; deep pink, large, double, fine form, in clusters of 20-30, fragrance 7/10, glossy light green foliage, growth 8/10, climbing, 3m.
Article (misc) (1935) Page(s) 111. Nokomis a larger Lady Gay