'Esther Geldenhuys' rose Reviews & Comments
Initial post
15 OCT 12 by
Just saw this one has sports! Grew this one late 80's into mid 90's, got it as a substitute for another and dismissed it at first.....my mistake. Does anyone remember the 1970's GR Sonia??? Whenever I grew Sonia it was sort of short, the blooms were kind of small, it just didn't match whatever I thought Sonia was supposed to be like----which is what Esther Geldenhuys IS! Crisp substance and delicious form, color is even mid-pink/coral, big rangey plant with long cutting stems, tough as nails. If anyone enjoys the legendary Touch of Class I would recommend they also try Esther because her blooms are a little smaller and a little more angular, a different shade of that coral-pink and would look lovely together......no scent, no surprising....without a doubt this one is a "sleeper".....a little-known, very good to excellent rose.........would love to try the sports.........
Ah! I grow the sport Nicholette, which I really love--so guess I'll have to give this one a try. Thanks for your comments!
This excellent HT have 4 sports namely, Vanessa (Red) Leana, (Cream) Lisa (Deep Pink) and Nicolette (Pale apricot)