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'Glorious' rose References
Website/Catalog  (1948)  Page(s) 91.  Includes photo(s).
Glorious (Plant Patent Applied For) The extremely vigorous bushes of “Gorgious” are well branched, producing strong canes that devide into many open sprays, bearing informal clusters of deep vermiglion buds, expanding into semi-double flowers of Tyrian rose. It can be truthfully said, the flowers cover the plants. Taking the liberty to choose from the entire Rose family, it would be impossible to surpass the new Rose “Glorious” for the purpose of bordering drives or walks, for mass planting or grouping, in fact, for any situation where a wealth of color is desired. Its name was given by the many visitors to the nursery. From all who beheld this fine new Rose in bloom, came the exclamation;: “It is glorious!” – and so the Rose was named.
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