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'Hoosier Glory' rose References
Newsletter  (2021)  Page(s) Summer issue, p. 9.  
[From "I Was Lucky", by BJ Abshire]
‘Eutin’ is the first rose I ever grew. Although, I really can’t say that I grew it because it took care of itself. It didn’t need me. I had never grown roses and knew nothing about rose culture. My husband and I bought our home in 1978 and the rose came with the house. The previous owners said it was ’Seven Sisters’. It would be well over 20 years before I learned its real name and even longer to learn what it meant to have a Kordes rose. At the time I had a 4 month old baby and other important things to do so the rose was on its own. Had it been some other rose, it might have declined over the years and eventually died. But I was lucky. ‘Eutin’ is a floribunda created in 1940 by Wilhelm Kordes, and is one of the best roses I have ever grown. I have never sprayed it (except for chilli thrips) and blackspot has never been an issue. It used to get a little powdery mildew...which may be because it grows against a brick wall on the driveway getting only 3-4 hours of sun a day. It grows about 2 - 3 feet tall by about 3 feet wide but they can get larger. It has arching canes and produces clusters of dark carmine red flowers about 2 inches in diameter. It blooms most of the year and propagates very easily. “Eutin” has been in its original planting spot for about 45 years. That’s a real testament to its toughness.
Book  (Dec 1998)  Page(s) 230.  Includes photo(s).
Eutin ('Hoosier Glory') Cluster-flowered/Floribunda. Kordes (Germany) 1940. Description... an early Cluster-flowered Rose well known for its enormous heads of lightly perfumed, small, dark carmine-red double flowers... the trusses can have 50 or more blooms in the spring flush... It gets its huge flower clusters from its parent, 'Eva'.
Book  (1994)  Page(s) 208.  Includes photo(s).
Book  (Sep 1993)  Page(s) 167.  
Eutin Cluster-flowered. Wilhelm Kordes 1940. Description... Like its sister seedling 'Orange Triumph', 'Eutin' was once seen in just about every garden, not so much for the beauty of its individual flowers, which are a rather dull crimson and scentless, as for its unfailing willingness to produce them, in enormous clusters, without needing any special care. Parentage: 'Eva' x 'Solarium'
Book  (Apr 1993)  Page(s) 167.  
Eutin Floribunda, glowing carmine-red, 1940, ('Hoosier Glory'); 'Eva' x 'Solarium'; Kordes. Description.
Book  (1968)  Page(s) 58.  
Mrs. Heather Rumsey.  The Best Of The Floribundas.   
....a cluster the size of, say, Eutin, which has enormous heads... 
Article (misc)  (1960)  Page(s) 110.  
Eutin No hips. Triploid.
Book  (1958)  Page(s) 107.  
Eutin. F. (Kordes, '40.) Eva X Solarium. Bud pointed-globular; fl. dbl., cupped, slightly fragrant, glowing carmine-red, cluster to 100 on long, strong stem. Fol. leathery, glossy, dark. Very vig. (21)
Book  (1953)  
p33.  S. J. Bisdee.  Red Roses in Tasmania.
Guinee and Daily Mail Scented both but are fine reds later turn brown if the weather is cold and wet early in the season,
The Hybrid Polyantha Eutin acts in the same way. It also has a tendency to burn in hot sunshine. At times it is excellent and a wonderful grower into the bargain.

p136.  Mr. Jim Bennett.  N. Z.  Rose Forum.
Alain - Excellent.  Darker than Eutin

p143.  Mr. M. Evans, Wellington. 
Eutin (2 bushes). Maybe I should not include this as a new variety.  Transplanted each bush two years ago to a shady position,  now very good with blooms in very large clusters.  
Book  (1953)  Page(s) 66.  
Eutin - 21
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