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'Fragrant Memories' rose Reviews & Comments
Discussion id : 123-817
most recent 7 NOV 20 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 7 NOV 20 by Viviane SCHUSSELE
1821 – 1897 Prêtre catholique allemand à l’origine de cures thérapie par l’eau. En 1891 il fonde la société Kneipp qui vend de produit phytothérapeuthique.
Discussion id : 63-083
most recent 30 MAR 12 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 30 MAR 12 by cafeaulait
Available from - Pickering in Canada
Discussion id : 55-931
most recent 12 JUL 11 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 12 JUL 11 by Jay-Jay
Fragrance contains mirre scent! Like the Austin Roses
Discussion id : 39-150
most recent 11 AUG 10 SHOW ALL
Initial post 13 SEP 09 by Ingrid W.
I've had this rose since April 2008 (5-g. can), and it produced a few gorgeous blooms at first (see my picture on HMF). Since then, I've had nothing but long canes with no blooms, and they don't appear to be rootstock and more like blindshoots or canes of a climbing rose. Has anyone else had this experience?
Reply #1 of 2 posted 11 AUG 10 by paul_zone5ct
Yes, I'm having the same problem. Long, spindly blind shoots. And it's not rose midge - I know what that looks like. Mine is own-root, so it can't be reversion to root stock. A few blooms were quite spectacular, but overall a real dud. Getting blackspot too. Shovel pruning tomorrow.
Reply #2 of 2 posted 11 AUG 10 by Ingrid W.
I finally shovel pruned Sebastian Kneipp a few months ago. When I inspected it, it seemed to be overcome on one side with what looked like huge, thick suckers from around the bud union, not from farther below. Weirdest thing I've ever seen and may have been just a rootstock problem which came out higher on the bud union than I've ever seen before. I've had only one other rose that put out so many blind shoots, and that was Polka (also on rootstock). I finally got lots of productive canes with lots of blooms after whacking back the blind shoots for two seasons, but it took about 5 years to get to that point. I'm glad I waited and didn't SP that one! I won't miss Sebastian Kneipp unless it turns out it has the same weird growth habit as Polka and requires a number of years to do its thing.
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