"Martha Gonzales" rose References
Newsletter (2017) Page(s) Summer issue, p. 19. [From "Old Tales from an Old Rose Collector", by Pamela Ashworth Puryear (reprint from Summer 1987 issue), pp. 17-19] Bill Welch and I went out on this short collecting trip and discovered Martha Gonzales’s rose-adorned cottage in Navasota.
Newsletter (Feb 2014) Page(s) 12. Includes photo(s). [From "Seven Disappearing Roses", by Darrell g.h. Schramm, pp. 11-17] ‘Fabvier’ is a china rose of 1829, ..... bred by the prolific Jean Laffay. Red with a blush-pink center and a white streak on at least one of the petals, it is as prolific as its breeder, blooming almost constantly on a short, dense bush about thirty inches high, exhibiting very few prickles. Invariably it blooms in December. The matte green leaves are typical of china roses: three to seven leaflets that are lanceolate and serrulate, with a somewhat satin-like surface. Stipules are adnate and glabrous. The purplish-green and round hips drop their sepals. General Fabvier was a French officer who had fought under Napoleon, served as ambassador to Isfahan, then fought against the Turks in Greece’s war for independence in 1826-27 where he proved himself a hero. Later, under King Louis Philippe, he served as a Parliament member unafraid to confront other politicians who succumbed to extortion or served powerful interests. After terms as ambassador to Constantinople and to Denmark, he retired in 1851, dying four years later
Booklet (2009) Page(s) 37. Another group of suspected synonyms and sports that the result of this study support is a red, semi-double flowered group based on the China Rose cultivar Fabvier (syn. 'Colonel Fabvier'). 'Fabvier' [ex Vintage Gardens], 'Martha Gonzales', and 'Old Gay Hill Red China' [both ex Antique Rose Emporium] (C40, C10, and C16) all had identical SSR profiles. Based on catalogue descriptions of the plants in commerce...the results suggest that the found rose 'Martha Gonzales' is actually 'Fabvier', and that 'Old Gay Hill Red China', also a found rose, is a taller growth form sport of 'Fabvier'.
Booklet (2009) Page(s) 29. Triploid...Fabvier [Provenance: Vintage Gardens]
Booklet (2009) Page(s) 37. Another group of suspected synonyms and sports that the result of this study support is a red, semi-double flowered group based on the China Rose cultivar Fabvier (syn. 'Colonel Fabvier'). 'Fabvier' [ex Vintage Gardens], 'Martha Gonzales', and 'Old Gay Hill Red China' [both ex Antique Rose Emporium] (C40, C10, and C16) all had identical SSR profiles. Based on catalogue descriptions of the plants in commerce...the results suggest that the found rose 'Martha Gonzales' is actually 'Fabvier', and that 'Old Gay Hill Red China', also a found rose, is a taller growth form sport of 'Fabvier'.
Booklet (2009) Page(s) 29. Triploid ...Martha Gonzales [Provenance: Antique Rose Emporium]
Book (2006) Page(s) 79. Fabvier China. Good, reliable rebloom. Good fragrance. Mass of wood often wider than tall. Laffay, 1832. ...Broadly cupped flowers, cherry-rose red paling to pink at the center, appearing almost semi-double.
Book (2 Nov 2003) Page(s) 20. Barbara May and Jane Zammit. Rookwood Cemetery Roses. The following roses have been identified at Rookwood, primarily in the old and Heritage listed areas Fabvier
Book (2003) Page(s) 194. "Martha Gonzales" from Navasota later emerged as 'Fabvier', another French immigrant, a China rose introduced in 1832.
Book (2000) Page(s) 148. Includes photo(s). "Martha Gonzales" was a found rose, shared with us by a Navasota, Texas gardener of the same name. The rose's ease of care and garden success, as touted by other gardeners, spread "Martha Gonzales" popularity through the landscape industry. She was so popular that she was registered with the American Rose Society. Sadly Martha Gonzales passed away in 1999, however, this rose continues to be a living tribute to this generous lady.....